Let's have a look at Cypress for integration testing. How it works and how it differs from the current options available. Marc Edem will be presenting integration testing with Cypress. After using Cypress on enterprise project development intensively for the last 6 months, he has enough experience to present strengths as well as shortcomings of Cypress. Location: Talent Garden Vienna Liechten
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Let's have a look at Cypress for integration testing. How it works and how it differs from the current options available.
Marc Edem will be presenting integration testing with Cypress. After using Cypress on enterprise project development intensively for the last 6 months, he has enough experience to present strengths as well as shortcomings of Cypress.
Talent Garden Vienna
Liechtensteinstraße 111/115,
1090 Wien
Meeting Room 2.1 (2nd Floor)
As the doors to Talent Garden are not open to the public at this time, all attendees will be picked up at the reception desk 5 minutes before the start, at 6:55 pm
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