On 28th February, Women Techmakers Uyo will have a meetup aim at bringing together women with a diverse interest in the technological field who have zero knowledge and perhaps not sure of which path to choose. This will be to properly give them a clear picture of what they are about to channel their passion into, give a headway how to get started, and have them choose which path suits their person
On 28th February, Women Techmakers Uyo will have a meetup aim at bringing together women with a diverse interest in the technological field who have zero knowledge and perhaps not sure of which path to choose. This will be to properly give them a clear picture of what they are about to channel their passion into, give a headway how to get started, and have them choose which path suits their personality. It is true that technology is becoming the ideal of the present age and it is proper to have everyone, irrespective of age and gender, gain their place in it. And so, they will be given a foundational lecture on areas such as; Web Development, Digital Marketing, Android Development, UI/UX Design, Technical Writing, Content Development, Project/Product Management and of course, Data Science. The meet up will also feature ladies who have already found their strength, share their success stories to motivate and encourage them.
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