Ever wondered what happens in a cloud system, find out as we take u on a journey of cloud discovery. Study Jams are a great opportunity to bring members of your community together to learn something in person. These training will give your community members a specific skill they can use for personal development or career advancement. The objective of Study Jams is to raise the technical proficie
Ever wondered what happens in a cloud system, find out as we take u on a journey of cloud discovery.
Study Jams are a great opportunity to bring members of your community together to learn something in person. These training will give your community members a specific skill they can use for personal development or career advancement.
The objective of Study Jams is to raise the technical proficiency of our global community members through the highest possible course completion rate.
Event Agenda
1. 10:00 - 10:30 Welcome
2. 10:30 - 12:15 Three Google Cloud Platform Essentials labs
3. 12:15 - 12:30 Break
4. 12:30 - 12:45 Introduction to Docker
5. 12: 45 - 1:00 Wrap up & plan next event
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It's gonna be awesome
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