Cloud Study Jam #2

GDG Ulaanbaatar

2nd Google Cloud Study Jam in Mongolia. We learn the fundamental tools and capabilities of Google Cloud. Attendees will receive one month of free access to "Qwiklabs" a Google training product. At the end of the event, every attendee will be getting Google-hosted badges that they can add to enhance their online portfolios or to simply show-off their cloud skill. ✔ Bring your laptop is favorable

Mar 2, 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

2nd Google Cloud Study Jam in Mongolia.
We learn the fundamental tools and capabilities of Google Cloud. Attendees will receive one month of free access to "Qwiklabs" a Google training product. At the end of the event, every attendee will be getting Google-hosted badges that they can add to enhance their online portfolios or to simply show-off their cloud skill.

✔ Bring your laptop is favorable. But we have prepared Macs.
✔ This event is FREE but slots are limited. To apply for a ticket you need to be WAITLISTED first (as seen in the upper-right of the page. Make sure that your FULL NAME on your profile is correct. Only confirmed participants (RSVPed Yes) can be accommodated.

GDG  Ulaanbaatar -аас зохион байгуулж буй энэхүү Study Jam -р Google Cloud Platform дээр Qwiklabs -ын Essential лаборатор, Kubernetes -ын лаборатор ажлуудыг туршилтаар хийж үзнэ. Арга хэмжээнд оролцсон бүх хүмүүс Qwiklabs-ын 1 сарын хязгааргүй эрхтэй болно. Үүнийг ашиглан сарын хугацаанд хүссэн лаборатор хичээл үзэж Google hosted badge цуглуулах боломжтой.

✔ Өөрсдийн зөөврийн компьютер-тэй ирж болно. Авчраагүй тохиолдолд бид компьютер бэлдсэн байгаа.
✔ Арга хэмжээ үнэгүй боловч суудлын тоо хязгаартай тул зөвхөн бүртгэл баталгаажсан хүмүүс л оролцох боломжтойг анхаарна уу!

Qwiklabs* нь Google -ын сургалтын програм бөгөөд GCP, AWS -ын лаборатор ажлуудыг бодитоор практикт туршин суралцах боломжийг олгодог. Machine Learning, Security, Infrastructure, App dev гэх мэт олон сэдвүүдийг хамарсан хичээлүүдийг үзэх боломжтой.


  • Khongorzul Munkhbat

    Deep Tech LLC

    Chapter Lead and ML GDE

  • Uchral Ganbaatar

    Communication Lead

  • Usukhbayar Ganbaatar

    Event Lead

  • Sanchir Enkhbold

    Digital Data LLC

    Creative & Tech Lead

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