Sorry about the time mixed up. We'll usually socialize until 6:30 anyhow, if you were planning on arriving around 7 we look forward to seeing you. Let's review the key announcements and things we learned from Google I/O 2017. Some of our local organizers and regular attendees will be attending Google I/O in person, and they'll bring back what they learned. Patrick Fuentes, Jeff Williams, and GDG
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Sorry about the time mixed up. We'll usually socialize until 6:30 anyhow, if you were planning on arriving around 7 we look forward to seeing you.
Let's review the key announcements and things we learned from Google I/O 2017. Some of our local organizers and regular attendees will be attending Google I/O in person, and they'll bring back what they learned.
Patrick Fuentes, Jeff Williams, and GDG meetup members who attended I/O 2017 will take turns sharing, and we'll screen the best android and the best non-android talk from Google I/O.
Disclaimer: the 'best' talks we select might not actually be the best ones since best is a subjective term.
Feel free to bring a laptop, and we'll point out the best resources like workshops, documentation, and more.
We're excited to bring back the enthusiasm, knowledge, and resources we pick up back from Google I/O.
6:00 - Food and networking*
6:30 - Welcome and announcements
7:00 - Breakout to look over resources
8:00 - Adjourn / Go dig into Android development
*please show up as close to on time as possible. Prime Academy is generous with their space after hours. Early arrivals cannot be accommodated. If you need to travel early, there are a number of great parks, coffee shops, restaurants, and bars in the area.*
We're excited to be a new location – Prime Digital Academy.
The address is listed, but to find the door, this aerial maps of the building and photo of the door to use may be helpful: (
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