Google Earth Engine for Good

GDG Tucson

With the annual Geo for Good Summit coming up in October, we thought it would be a good time to work on some fundamentals of working with Google Earth Engine with a focus on environmental issues.

Sep 30, 2023, 8:00 – 10:00 PM (UTC)

19 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

The annual Geo for Good Summit, organized by the Google Earth Outreach Team, is coming up in October. In preparation, we're going to look into some fundamentals and applications of Google Earth Engine.

One advantage of working with Google Earth Engine is that the JavaScript API has a very nice browser-based IDE and a large library of geographical datasets that make learning about and experimenting with GIS very easy.

This month, we'll work through an application of Google Earth Engine to an issue of sustainability.


  • Dan Stormont

    GDG Tucson

    GDG Organizer

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