This talk is an introduction to beacon technologies for Android devices. We'll look at what types of beacons are out there to use, such as RadBeacons and Estimotes. We'll also discuss the different types of beacon protocols available to those beacons: Eddystone and AltBeacon. We'll walk through exactly how each of these protocols work and how to implement them into your application using either Go
This talk is an introduction to beacon technologies for Android devices. We'll look at what types of beacons are out there to use, such as RadBeacons and Estimotes. We'll also discuss the different types of beacon protocols available to those beacons: Eddystone and AltBeacon. We'll walk through exactly how each of these protocols work and how to implement them into your application using either Google's Proximity Beacon API coupled with Nearby Messages API and also with the AltBeacon library. So join us for the ins and outs of beacons on Android to better your user's location and proximity experiences.
About Speaker
Jake VanAssche is a Software Engineer at Arbormoon Software Inc. focusing on developing Android mobile applications. He recently got his Master's degree in Computer Science from Wayne State and has a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from the University of Detroit Mercy.
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