AMP is an open-source HTML framework created by Google that provides a straight forward way to create web pages that are fast ; smooth-loading and prioritize the user-experience above all else .AMP Study Jams are a great opportunity to bring members of our community together to Learn this hot technology in person. Want to get started on building APM website ? Join us for our AMP Study Jam! Toget
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AMP is an open-source HTML framework created by Google that provides a straight forward way to create web pages that are fast ; smooth-loading and prioritize the user-experience above all else .AMP Study Jams are a great opportunity to bring members of our community together to Learn this hot technology in person.
Want to get started on building APM website ? Join us for our AMP Study Jam! Together we'll work through Zero to AMP Courses prepared by Google instructors .You will be able to get hands-on experience with AMP and build a AMP website while learning the fundamentals.
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