Cloud Study Jam​ Online.

GDG Tenerife

This is an on-line hands-on training event based on Qwiklabs. Along two days, in a 2 hours session each day, participants will complete a series of labs, covering one or several Google Cloud Platform topics related to Kubernetes. Even more, using Google Classroom, the participants will get follow-up support allowing them to extend the training to one month. ● Date: ○ Nov 6th, 16:00 - 18:00

Nov 6, 2019, 4:00 – 6:00 PM


Key Themes

About this event

This is an on-line hands-on training event based on Qwiklabs.
Along two days, in a 2 hours session each day, participants will complete a series of labs, covering one or several Google Cloud Platform topics related to Kubernetes.
Even more, using Google Classroom, the participants will get follow-up support allowing them to extend the training to one month.

● Date:
○ Nov 6th, 16:00 - 18:00
○ Nov 7th, 16:00 - 18:00

● Location: On line
● Calendar event:
● Live Streaming session:

● Trainer: Almo, Google DevRel
● Audience: Developer, with no or little experience in Google Cloud Platform, willing to improve their skills Kubernetes and infrastructure development.
● Contents:
In terms of contents, Cloud Study Jam offers high level of customization. In particular we could cover one or more topics, adjusting the level of expertise necessary.

● Pre-Work
○ Using your gmail account
- Sign up Classroom and join to the class-id qkjgda (
- Sign up Qwiklabs (
○ Do the lab “A Tour of Qwiklabs and the Google Cloud Platform” (

○ Getting Started with Cloud Shell & gcloud (
○ Creating a Virtual Machine (
○ Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes (
○ Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine (

○ Bio: Andres-Leonardo Martinez-Ortiz a.k.a almo is a member of the Google Engineering team, leading Google Cloud Ecosystem program in Europe. Based in Zurich, he drives the success of Google's developer products and the Open Web by creating a thriving ecosystem
of developers. He meets with experts and partners in large companies, startups, universities and enterprises, promoting Open standards and Google technologies. He is also a member of IEEE, ACM, Linux Foundation and Computer Society. @davilagrau

○ Is this a lecture about Google Cloud?
No it is not. This is a hands-on event. Don’t expect to have presentations or lectures about the
topics covered. But no need to worry! All the labs are self-contained and you will get content
about the topics of the session before the training.
○ Is this a Q&A session? Will I get support about my projects?
No it is not. You won’t get support either. However, we will gather your questions, doing our
best to get them solved.
○ Will I get access to Qwiklab after the event?
Yes, you will. The event offers one-month free subscription to Qwiklab. You can extend this
free offer one additional month completing any of the quest available.


  • Cándido Caballero-Gil

    University of la Laguna

    GDG Organizer

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