Online Android meetup hosted by GDG Tbilisi and Android Worldwide welcomes 2 awesome speakers!
11 RSVP'd
⚙️ Composing a Design System - Anton Shilov
Jetpack Compose - the promise of bringing our app to life with dramatically less code, interactive tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs. how would we be able to migrate the existing design system to Jetpack Compose? What are the key steps to follow for successful integration with the existing codebase?
About the speaker:
👤 Anton is an Android developer at Bumble. Worked in state-owned companies, in outsourcing, large and small corporations. Interested in design systems and UI frameworks.
⚙️ Demystifying Locale on Android - Julien Salvi
At some point, every Android developers will end up using a Locale for the applications they are building. If you are dealing with dates and time zones, currencies, or multiple language support, you probably faced some challenges to make everything working as intended. In this session, we are going to see what is a Locale and how to use it to handle localization (L10N), how to support multiple languages with Lokalize by example, what are the common pitfalls and how to deal with them
About the speaker:
👤 Julien is a Senior Android Engineer @ Aircall. Into the Android world for almost 10 years (scary Eclipse dark time!), Julien experienced the California startup way of life before coming back to France where he is currently a Senior Android Engineer at Aircall where they are building the best phone system for modern businesses. Besides that, he is a world traveler and a beer lover always looking for the best IPAs!
Attendance is free.
Senior Android Engineer
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