GDG Taoyuan:IWD 2024 Celebration

桃園安東青創基地, 111 安東街, 桃園區, 330

GDG Taoyuan

國際女人節 (International Women's Day, IWD) 除了慶祝女性在社會、經濟、文化和政治等各領域的成就外,也具有促進性別平等的意義。由全球各地區 Women Techmakers (WTM) 主辦的國際女人節為 Google 年度重要盛事之一。WTM 是由 Google 成立的一個國際計劃,旨在打造一個讓所有女性都能在科技領域中蓬勃發展的環境。IWD 主要目的是為科技領域的女性提供一個發聲的平台,並將其連結到國際社群藉此慶祝和表揚女性在科技領域和專業知識方面的傑出貢獻和成就。

Mar 9, 4:00 – 9:00 AM

5 RSVP'd

Key Themes

Community BuildingInternational Women's Day

About this event

International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th is a global celebration of women's achievements and a call to action for gender equality. It's a moment to honor the remarkable contributions of women worldwide and work towards accelerating gender parity. Women Techmakers (WTM) is a non-profit organization and a program, which was created by Googlers in 2012. IWD is Women Techmakers’ largest annual campaign is a time to create connections, educate, and inspire the tech community. IWD is also a way in which we support together and build a world where all women thrive in tech.

#Impact the Future is the theme for this year's global Women Techmakers International Women's Day. This theme emphasizes the influence and importance of women thriving in technology. It encourages women to participate in innovation, promote gender equality, and nurture the next generation of female leaders; so that, we build a diversity, equity, and inclusion environment together. At this point, we also facing challenges in the tech industry; therefore, we are building a friendly and supportive environment where everyone realizes their potential and becomes a key player in the technology industry and social progress imperative.

GDG Taoyuan 與 Women Techmakers (WTM) 慶祝 3/8 International Women’s Day (IWD) 國際婦女節!

這是 Google 的重要活動之一,對我們而言意義非凡!因此我們特地在桃園舉辦此活動歡迎大家一同前來參與!

報到時間:12:00 pm

活動時間:12:00 am - 17:00 pm

活動說明 : 邀請從事科技與非科技領域的您、不同產業與類別的您,一同前來慶祝一年一度的國際婦女節。謝謝自己在專業領域上的付出與貢獻!

地點:安東青創基地 (桃園區安東街111號2F)

主要語言 : 中文、英文


✅ 認識 WTM & GDG 桃園的社群和活動

✅ 結交志同道合的朋友

✅ 交流彼此的經驗

👉 本次活動為免費入場,實體活動有名額限定!

👉 活動當天提供中午餐食茶點與冷熱飲水機,請大家自備環保水瓶或杯具以響應環保。

本活動支持「多元與共融 Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)」的思維,請帶著友善與同理心前來參與活動。



👉 倘若當天不克前往,請幫忙釋出名額讓有需要的朋友參與,謝謝 :D

“For your safety and the safety of others, if you or your immediate family have traveled to any countries recently, we ask that you NOT attend events at Google for 21 days from your departure date.“



Saturday, March 9, 2024
4:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC


  • Anson Liou




UrDigi logo


Andong logo


WTM logo


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  • Kun-Neng Hung


    GDG Organizer

  • Anson Liou


    GDG Organizer

  • Nicole Chou

    GDG Organizer

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