2022 is the 11th year 🎉 of DevFest and this marks the beginning of the 2nd decade of the GDG communities! GDG Taoyuan turns fifth and goes from a 10% to 10x, as we have grown and will grow even more as more developers (local and international) come together and connect to the Google Developer Group community. Group learning as we move forward!
36 RSVP'd
DevFest is an annual tech conference covering topics that are important to the tech community. It is a worldwide celebration and testament of the impact of Google Developer Groups on developers with the goal to help developers learn and connect as a community by exploring how to use Google technology to accelerate local economic impact.
2022 is the 11th year 🎉 of DevFest and this marks the beginning of the 2nd decade of the GDG communities! GDG Taoyuan turns fifth and goes from a 10% to 10x, as we have grown and will grow even more as more developers (local and international) come together and connect to the Google Developer Group community. Group learning as we move forward!
This year, we bring you more fun and exciting activities! Join us this year and learn the new trends of technology!
See you there!
✅ 主要語言:中文
✅ 會認識 GDG Taoyuan 成員
✅ 結交志同道合的朋友, 交流彼此的經驗
✅ 本次為實機操作課程,請參與活動的捧油自行攜帶電腦參加。
✅ 備 註 | 如因不可控因素導致無法舉行線下活動,將提前通知。
✅ GDG Taoyuan facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GDG.Taoyuan/
👉 倘若當天不克前往,請幫忙釋出名額讓有需要的朋友參與,謝謝 :D
👉 活動當天備有茶點,但請您務必事先報名,以利主辦方統計餐點與人數。
🚨本活動支持「多元與共融 Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)」的思維,請帶著友善與同理心前來參與活動。
Saturday, November 19, 2022
1:15 AM – 9:30 AM (UTC)
1:15 AM | Registration and Breakfast |
1:30 AM | Meg Jiang |
1:45 AM | Eric Shang-Kuan |
2:00 AM | Kun-Neng Hung |
3:00 AM | Wolke Lin |
4:00 AM | Networking and Food |
5:00 AM | Will (保哥) |
6:00 AM | Max (Chun Hung Huang) |
7:00 AM | Outside Chat |
7:45 AM | Eva ChU |
9:30 AM | Networking and See you next time |
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Google Cloud GDE, Supervisor
GDE & LAE & Coder
GDG Taipei
Women Techmakers Taipei
GDG Taoyuan Organizer
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Developer Ecosystem Regional Lead - Greater China
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