The Ultimate Challenge: Long-Term Android OS Maintenance on NXP and Rockchip MPU Platforms
8 RSVP'd
In the industrial and medical markets, many users depend on Android OS, and the need for long-term maintenance is critical. From the evolution of Android Treble to GKI and then to AIDL-HAL, each system architecture offers unique approaches to sustaining long-term support. In this section, I will share practical maintenance strategies, drawing from my own experience, to help navigate these evolving frameworks.
This session will focus on platforms including NXP IMX8MP, IMX8MM, and Rockchip RK3399, RK3588 platforms, covering Android OS versions from 7 to 14. this section will also share cutting-edge research results, including how to achieve cross-version upgrades implemented on the IMX8 platform. Join me as we explore the challenges and breakthroughs in long-term Android OS maintenance across these diverse systems!
報到時間:13:00 pm
活動時間:13:30 pm - 17:00 pm
地點:安東青創基地 (桃園區安東街111號2F)
主要語言 : 中文、英文
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