#IAmRemarkable 是一個全球性的運動和計劃,鼓勵女性和代表性不足的群體在個人和職業生涯中勇敢地展示自己的成就。#IAmRemarkable is a global movement that empowers women and other underrepresented groups to confidently showcase their accomplishments, helping them realize their value and contributions.
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🙋 WTM | #IAmRemarkable Workshop 👨👩👦👦
#IAmRemarkable 是一個全球性的運動和計劃,主要目地在於賦權女性及代表性不足的群體 (Underrepresented Groups)*,讓他們能夠自信地展示自己的成就。這個計劃不僅僅專注於個人職業發展,而是希望打破社會和文化上的限制,這些限制往往導致這些群體無法大膽地公開表達自己在工作或生活中的成功。
*代表性不足的群體 (Underrepresented Groups) 不僅限於性別,還包括種族、社會經濟地位、身心障礙人士、年齡以及多數人裡的少數人等等。
#IAmRemarkable is a global movement that empowers women and other underrepresented groups to showcase their accomplishments confidently, helping them realize their value and contributions. The movement encourages participants to confidently share their accomplishments, breaking through societal and cultural barriers that often discourage self-promotion. Through workshops, participants learn self-advocacy skills in a supportive environment, helping them overcome internalized biases, modesty norms, and societal expectations. #IAmRemarkable aims to create workplaces and communities that value diversity, equity, and inclusion by promoting self-appreciation and fostering an inclusive mindset.
📅 Event Info
🎟 Ticket Info
📝 Prepare before you come to the event
👽 Target Audience, If you want to
🎁 Gift
🚨 Notice
📮 Terms and Conditions
The host reserves the right to change the agenda, the actual schedule will be announced on the event day. 主辦單位保留變更議程之權利,實際議程以活動當日公告為主
📮 Policy
本活動支持「多元、平等與共融 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)」思維與行動,旨在促進所有人的多元文化如種族、宗教、認知、身體不便之人、性別和少數民族 (Underrepresented Groups) 等不同背景的我們如何平等且公平的對待他人,尊重對方也相互連接和被共融。因此請帶著尊重彼此、友善與同理心前來參與。活動過程中請遵守我們的「行為守則」,謝謝您的支持與參與!
“For your safety and the safety of others, if you are not feeling well, please at least do NOT attend events for 7 days.“
🎫 Upcoming Event
Saturday, November 9, 2024
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)
Check-in |
Workshop + Networking |
End |
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