藉由 WTM Taipei 之午茶交流會屬於一個互相協助、腦力激盪與共同成長的一個地方。邀請在職場在工作上遇到困難、問題或是職涯探討與話題等,讓我們在這場分享、討論會中互相支持、協助他人與解決問題。
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🙋 WTM Taipei | Interview 👩💻
在面試的場合,除了求職者,對於用人單位和人資來說,是一個很好的機會聊聊彼此未來的合作的可能性。在大家的職場生涯當中,做為求職方時間居多。不管是被發感謝信、無聲卡或是獲得 Offer 都因為經驗累積而了解公司可能的選才方式。
In an interview, it's an opportunity for the hiring manager and HR to discuss potential collaboration with candidates. Job seekers receive thank-you letters, silent rejections, or offers without understanding the standards or key behaviors that companies use to decide. This weekend, the WTM event invites experienced HR and hiring manager to discuss how they evaluate a candidate's potential. They will share stories about differing perspectives between HR and hiring manager, showing that it's not always about the candidate's lack of ability. Sometimes, they have to let the candidate seek better opportunities elsewhere.
📅 Event Info
🎟 Ticket Info
👽 Target Audience
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🚨 Notice
📮 Terms and Conditions
The host reserves the right to change the agenda, the actual schedule will be announced on the day of the event. 主辦單位保留變更議程之權利,實際議程以活動當日公告為主
📮 Policy
本活動支持「多元、平等與共融 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)」思維與行動,旨在促進所有人的多元文化如種族、宗教、認知、身體不便之人、性別和少數民族 (Underrepresented Groups) 等不同背景的我們如何平等且公平的對待他人,尊重對方也相互連接和被共融。因此請帶著尊重彼此、友善與同理心前來參與。活動過程中請遵守我們的「行為守則」,謝謝您的支持與參與!
“For your safety and the safety of others, if you are not feeling well, please at least do NOT attend events for 7 days.“
🎫 Upcoming Event
Follow WTM TW on FB Page | Linktree for other social medias!
Saturday, June 15, 2024
5:00 AM – 8:00 AM (UTC)
Check-in + Networking + Opening Remarks |
Sharing: 求才和選才的眉眉角角 |
Q&A + Networking + Closing Remarks |
End |
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