WTM Taipei 自 2017 年開始參與國際女人節活動,到 2023 年已經成功舉辦了七屆,專注在多元化發展,致力協助科技產業中的女性成長、發光。WTM Taipei has hosted IWD celebrations, and thousands of people participated since 2017. We’re building a world where all women can thrive in tech.
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🙋 WTM Taipei | IWD'24 Week 👨👩👦👦
國際女人節 (International Women's Day, IWD) 除了慶祝女性在社會、經濟、文化和政治等各領域的成就外,也具有促進性別平等的意義。由全球各地區 Women Techmakers (WTM) 主辦的國際女人節為 Google 年度重要盛事之一。WTM 是由 Google 成立的一個國際計劃,旨在打造一個讓所有女性都能在科技領域中蓬勃發展的環境。IWD 主要目的是為科技領域的女性提供一個發聲的平台,並將其連結到國際社群藉此慶祝和表揚女性在科技領域和專業知識方面的傑出貢獻和成就。
#Impact the Future 為今年全球 WTM 國際女人節主題;這個主題強調了女性在科技領域中對未來的影響力和重要性。鼓勵女性參與科技創新、推動性別平等以及培育下一代女性領導者,讓我們共同創造更加包容、平等和多元的未來。同時,我們意識到女性在科技領域中所面臨的挑戰,並努力創造一個更加友善和支持的環境,讓每個人都有機會實現自己的潛力和促進科技產業發展和社會進步的關鍵力量。
International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th is a global celebration of women's achievements and a call to action for gender equality. It's a moment to honor the remarkable contributions of women worldwide and work towards accelerating gender parity. Women Techmakers (WTM) is a non-profit organization and a program, which was created by Googlers in 2012. IWD is Women Techmakers’ largest annual campaign is a time to create connections, educate, and inspire the tech community. IWD is also a way in which we support together and build a world where all women thrive in tech.
#Impact the Future is the theme for this year's global Women Techmakers International Women's Day. This theme emphasizes the influence and importance of women thriving in technology. It encourages women to participate in innovation, promote gender equality, and nurture the next generation of female leaders; so that, we build a diversity, equity, and inclusion environment together. At this point, we also facing challenges in the tech industry; therefore, we are building a friendly and supportive environment where everyone realizes their potential and becomes a key player in the technology industry and social progress imperative.
🎬 IWD'24 Week info :
🎟 3/10 Tech Communities Impact the Future info :
🎟 3/11 Tech Communities Impact the Future info :
🎟 3/13 Tech Communities Impact the Future info :
🎟 3/14 Tech Communities Impact the Future info :
🎟 3/16 Women in Technology Impact the Future info :
👽 Target Audience :
🎁 Gift :
🚨 Notice :
本活動支持「多元、平等與共融 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)」思維與行動,旨在促進所有人的多元文化如種族、宗教、認知、身體不便之人、性別和少數民族 (Underrepresented Groups) 等不同背景的我們如何平等且公平的對待他人,尊重對方也相互連接和被共融。因此請帶著尊重彼此、友善與同理心前來參與。活動過程中請遵守我們的「行為守則」,謝謝您的支持與參與!
“For your safety and the safety of others, if you are not feeling well, please at least do NOT attend events for 7 days.“
Follow WTM TW on FB Page | Linktree for other social medias!
March 10 – 16, 2024
1:00 AM – 9:00 AM (UTC)
1:00 AM | Check-in + Networking + Opening Remarks |
1:40 AM | Beyond User Experience Design: Co-Creating Meaningful Relations for Tech Futures by 盈羽 陳 |
2:30 AM | 性別、移民與科技:新住民在台灣的 AI 與 UX 體驗分享 by Mengmeng Yu |
3:20 AM | AI 時代的社群共融:引領未來的協作與連結 by Recca Chao |
4:00 AM | Break, Lunch + Networking |
5:00 AM | Fearless Exploration: Embracing Failure and Taking Risks (中文 Mandarin & 英文 English) by Tina Lin |
5:30 AM | 跳脫現今教育體制,找尋不一樣的人生出口 by 宜婷 沈 |
6:00 AM | 軟體開放團隊 - 打造學習型組織 by 品均 周 |
6:30 AM | 以人為本 - 打造 DEI 職場文化 by Felicia Tsai |
6:35 AM | Break + Networking |
7:00 AM | Build with AI, Get started with Gemini using the REST API (Codelab, *bring your laptop) by Dion Chang |
8:00 AM | 使用 Gemini 提升生產力 by Kevin Chiu |
8:30 AM | Q&A + Retro + Networking |
9:00 AM | Closing Remarks + End |
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