devfest 是由 Google 開發者社群 (GDG) 主辦的年度技術大會。devfest 是全球性的活動,每年在全球各地舉辦,涵蓋的技術領域廣泛,包括 Android、Web、雲端、機器學習等。devfest 的目的在於促進開發者交流和分享,幫助開發者學習新技術、建立人脈,並了解 Google 最新的開發者工具和技術。
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📢 WTM Taipei devfest 2023 Tracks 🙌
2023 年 devfest Taipei 技術年會將在 12/16 (六) 舉行,地點在臺灣大學校院之共同教學館。devfest 是由 Google 開發者社群 Google Developer Groups (GDG) 主辦的年度技術大會。GDG 是一個全球性的社群網絡,遍布世界各地區。devfest 的內容涵蓋了各種與 Google 技術相關主題,包括 Android、Web、雲端運算、機器學習等。透過不同的活動形式,如演講、工作坊和其他形式等,為開發者提供了一個聚集在一起學習、交流和建立社群的場所 ; 也籍此機會與 Google 工程師和其他開發者交流。
WTM 從一開始由女性為出發點至今在 Google 內部和對外全面性推動 Diversity (多元), Equity (平等), 和 Inclusion (共融),簡稱為 DEI 或 DE&I 文化。其意旨在促進所有人的多元文化如種族、宗教、認知、身體不便之人和性別等不同背景的我們如何平等且公平的對待他人,尊重對方也相互連接和被共融。為響應 devfest 技術年會,WTM 將在此次年會中,替所處在科技領域中女性、少數民族 (Underrepresented Groups) 等其他群體發聲。透過 devfest 活動除了與國際接軌也藉此機會邀請您前來分享您對新技術的經驗、學習和領悟。
The 2023 devfest Taipei Technology Conference will be held on December 16 (Saturday) at the Common Subjects Classroom Building of National Taiwan University. devfest is an annual technology conference organized by the Google Developer Groups (GDG) community, which is a global network with chapters all around the world. devfest covers a wide range of topics related to Google technologies, including Android, Web, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and more. Various formats such as talks, workshops, and more activities, provide a place to connect, learn from each other, and build a community. It's also an opportunity to connect with Google developers and others.
WTM has been promoting a comprehensive culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI or DE&I) from its inception. Within the devfest Technology conference, WTM will use this annual event as a platform to amplify those voices representing women, underrepresented groups, and other groups in the technology field. Through devfest activities, we are not only connecting internationally, but also inviting you to share your experiences, learnings, and insights on emerging technologies.
🎯 以下為 devfest 主要特點:
🥁 Target Audience:
🚨 提醒:
本活動支持「多元、平等與共融 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)」思維與行動,旨在促進所有人的多元文化如種族、宗教、認知、身體不便之人、性別和少數民族 (Underrepresented Groups) 等不同背景的我們如何平等且公平的對待他人,尊重對方也相互連接和被共融。因此請帶著尊重彼此、友善與同理心前來參與。活動過程中請遵守我們的「行為守則」,謝謝您的支持與參與!
“For your safety and the safety of others, if you are not feeling well, we ask that you NOT attend events for few days.“
Follow WTM TW on FB page, or follow us on other social medias.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
12:30 AM – 8:30 AM (UTC)
🎟️ Check-in |
💬 Town Hall speech |
☕ Break |
💬 台灣酷兒聲音地圖:從設計發想到社會與技術實踐 by Yu Lee, Munus Shih & HaoChe Hung (Online, from New York) |
☕ Break |
💬 想談一場天長地久的戀愛 你要先懂 UX by 意晴 洪 Sarah Hong |
☕ Break |
💬 Ask Me Anything (Discussion), facilitator EvA ChU |
☕ Break |
🧑💻 Flutter for mobile: full production app in 2 hrs by Suesi Tran (English, Workshop) |
👋 End |
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