The new Ivy Renderer in Angular v9

GDG Taipei

\---------- Meetup info is been written in Bi-lingual --------- Ivy 是 Angular 語言中新一代的編譯與渲染引擎,它更有效率,使用起來也更方便!它會如何影響我們建立 Angular 應用程式的方式?我們又如何能從這項新技術得到好處?在此次活動中 Angular GDE Gerard Sans 將會告訴我們這些問題的解答,並示範如何使用 Ivy 的所有功能,歡迎大家報名參加一同來了解! What is exactly the Ivy Renderer? What features will affect the way we build apps? How can we benefit from this technology? In this presentation Gerard will cover these

Dec 3, 2019, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)


Key Themes


About this event

---------- Meetup info is been written in Bi-lingual ---------

Ivy 是 Angular 語言中新一代的編譯與渲染引擎,它更有效率,使用起來也更方便!它會如何影響我們建立 Angular 應用程式的方式?我們又如何能從這項新技術得到好處?在此次活動中 Angular GDE Gerard Sans 將會告訴我們這些問題的解答,並示範如何使用 Ivy 的所有功能,歡迎大家報名參加一同來了解!

What is exactly the Ivy Renderer? What features will affect the way we build apps? How can we benefit from this technology? In this presentation Gerard will cover these and other fundamental questions while demonstrating all the features available today!

議程內容 / Agenda

* 7:00pm~7:30pm 報到、入場及用晚餐 / Registration and Dinner
* 7:30pm~9:30pm 技術演講 / Tech-Talk
* 9:00pm~10:00pm 現場問答與討論 / Q&A, Free Talk

講者介紹 / Speaker

Gerard Sans

Gerard is a Developer Advocate at AWS. He is very excited about the future of the Web and JavaScript. Always happy Computer Science Engineer and humble Angular GDE. He loves to share his learnings by giving talks, trainings and writing about cool technologies. He loves running GraphQL London and GraphQL San Francisco, mentoring students and giving back to the community. You can follow Gerard on Twitter @gerardsans

注意事項 / Notice

• 此場為英文文演講 / This tech talk will be in English.
• GDG 是純社群活動 / GDG is an independent developer community that loves Google technologies and is entirely independent from Google, the corporation.
• 天瓏 Coding Space 有入場費台幣 100 元的要求,請於入場櫃台繳交,繳交後可向櫃檯領取天瓏書局購書折價優惠卷一張 / The venue fee is NTD 100, please pay at the admission counter at 2nd Floor. After payment, you can receive a discount coupon for buying books in the TenLong Computer Bookstore.
• 現場有為各位準備晚餐,歡迎各位享用;現場並有無線網路可供使用 / Dinner and Wi-Fi will be served before the tech talk.
• 請盡量筆電充飽電入場,場地插座有限,若使用蘋果電腦請記得攜帶延長線以免白豆腐癱瘓插座 / There are limited power plugs in the venue. If you want to use your laptop during the event, make sure your laptop has enough power in advance!
• 有名片的人可以帶來交朋友 / You may bring your name cards to make friends! ;)
• 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎寄信到 [masked] 報名 / If you wanna be our speaker in our future events, welcome to send your available time-frame, agenda and your brief self-introduction to [masked] so we could make event arrangements.


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Organizer

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Denny Huang

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