Serverless Mobile Apps with Firebase and Google Cloud

GDG Taipei

\---- English introduction below ---- 想知道如何用 Firebase 建立 Serverless Mobile Apps 嗎?想知道如何在 Firebase 的幫助下於 Serverless Mobile App 服務裡處理收費金流嗎?Serverless Mobile App 服務如果到了一定的使用者量,要如何將 App 服務更好、更穩定地從 Firebase 擴展到 Google Cloud 呢?這次我們邀請到 Google 的 Firebase 開發者技術推廣工程師 Doug Stevenson 以及 Firebase 產品經理 Tyler Crowe 一起來跟大家聊聊,大家不要錯過了喔! Firebase could help you to build Serverless Mobile Apps easily!! Firebase cou

Jul 11, 2019, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AndroidCloudMachine LearningMobileWeb

About this event

---- English introduction below ----

想知道如何用 Firebase 建立 Serverless Mobile Apps 嗎?想知道如何在 Firebase 的幫助下於 Serverless Mobile App 服務裡處理收費金流嗎?Serverless Mobile App 服務如果到了一定的使用者量,要如何將 App 服務更好、更穩定地從 Firebase 擴展到 Google Cloud 呢?這次我們邀請到 Google 的 Firebase 開發者技術推廣工程師 Doug Stevenson 以及 Firebase 產品經理 Tyler Crowe 一起來跟大家聊聊,大家不要錯過了喔!

Firebase could help you to build Serverless Mobile Apps easily!! Firebase could also help you to manage Payments in Serverless Mobile Apps perfectly! And if your Serverless Mobile Apps is growing and needs to scale up, you can migrate your Serverless Mobile Apps to Google Cloud smoothly. This time we will have Doug Stevenson, the Google Developer Advocate with Firebase, and Tyler Crowe, the Firebase Product Manager in this event, welcome to join us!!

議程內容 / Agenda

* 7:00pm~7:30pm 集合入場 / Registration
* 7:30pm~7:40pm 社群介紹 / Introduction to GDG Taipei
* 7:40pm~8:30pm Build and Scale Serverless Mobile Apps with Firebase and Google Cloud - Doug Stevenson
* 8:40pm~9:30pm - Fireside Chat: Manage Payments in Your Serverless App with Firebase - Tyler Crowe

講者介紹 / Speakers

* Doug Stevenson

Google Developer Advocate with Firebase,同時也是公開演講者 (Public Speaker)、脫口秀主持人 (Talk Show Host)、語言大師 (Worldsmith)、老派遊戲玩家 (Old-School Gamer)、素食主義者 (Vegetarian)、精釀啤酒愛好者 (Craft Beer Lover)。

他會常在以下網站出沒 (You could know him more in the following links):


* Tyler Crowe

Google Product Manager on Firebase

注意事項 / Notes

• 此次活動為英文演講 / This talk will be in English.
• GDG 是純社群活動 / GDG is an independent developer community group and is not related to Google, the company.
* Google 辦公室除了台北 101 有警衛,Google 自己亦有安控機制,需要有識別證才能進入,請於報名時提供可識別的名稱以便事先印製臨時識別證;若您未收到行前通知信,代表不會有您的識別證,還請您不要前來,不便之處還請見諒! / Google Office is located in Taipei 101 building. Not only Taipei 101 has security control, Google also has their own security control mechanism, so you need to provide your full name when you register this event so we can have your temporary badge printed in advanced. If you do not receive email notification before the event, that means no temporary badge for you!! Sorry if it causes any inconvenience.
• 現場有免費飲食與無線網路 / There will be free food / drinks / WiFi provided.
• 請盡量筆電充飽電入場,場地插座有限,若使用蘋果電腦請記得攜帶延長線以免白豆腐癱瘓插座 / The power plugs are limited. If you want to use your laptops, please charge them before you come.
• 有名片的人可以帶來交朋友 / You could bring your namd cards to make friends after the event.
• 如果有想要分享的技術主題以及想分享的時間,歡迎寄信到 [masked] 報名 / If you have any topics to share with our group, send your topic / agenda / preferred time frame to [masked], we will response to you ASAP.


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Taipei Organizer / GenAI GDE

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Denny Huang

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