GDG Taipei #40 - Women Techmakers #3 Janet Kuo 郭家禎

GDG Taipei

! 在矽谷工作有什麼特別的? 會面臨到什麼困難? 想從台灣跨越到矽谷嗎? 08 / 02 跟 GDG Taipei Women Techmakers 一起聽 Janet Kuo 分享,從台灣 IBM 到矽谷 Google 的故事。在這當中,她所遇到的挫折及困難。在實踐夢想的途中會遇到很多波折,藉由 Janet 的故事來激勵我們,只要有勇氣跨出去以及加倍的努力,必定有所收穫。 講者介紹: Janet Kuo (郭家禎) 目前在 Google 矽谷總部的 Google Cloud Platform 擔任軟體工程師。在這之前,她曾經在台灣 IBM 服務,一次出差的機會讓她第一次踏上矽谷,並深深被矽谷的創新精神所吸引。輾轉來到美國後,她曾經以一款 iOS app 贏了一場創業比賽,從中學到不少經驗,並在 2015 年加入 Google。身為一個工程師,在矽谷工作對她來說就像美夢成真

Aug 2, 2017, 11:15 AM – 1:15 PM (UTC)


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08 / 02 跟 GDG Taipei Women Techmakers 一起聽 Janet Kuo 分享,從台灣 IBM 到矽谷 Google 的故事。在這當中,她所遇到的挫折及困難。在實踐夢想的途中會遇到很多波折,藉由 Janet 的故事來激勵我們,只要有勇氣跨出去以及加倍的努力,必定有所收穫。


Janet Kuo (郭家禎) 目前在 Google 矽谷總部的 Google Cloud Platform 擔任軟體工程師。在這之前,她曾經在台灣 IBM 服務,一次出差的機會讓她第一次踏上矽谷,並深深被矽谷的創新精神所吸引。輾轉來到美國後,她曾經以一款 iOS app 贏了一場創業比賽,從中學到不少經驗,並在 2015 年加入 Google。身為一個工程師,在矽谷工作對她來說就像美夢成真一樣!"


Join the GDG community at Women Techmakers Talk Series and celebrate women in Technology!

For this third run, get ready to be inspired as we have Janet Kuo, a software engineer who works at Google Headquarters located in Mountain View, California. She will be sharing her story working in Silicon Valley as well as the challenges that she faced in her career in Technology.

Speaker Bio:

Janet Kuo is a software engineer at Google headquarters where she works on Google Cloud Platform. She had worked at IBM Taiwan before coming to the States. She joined Google in 2015. Before that, she was pursuing her Master's degree in Seattle, where she won a startup contest with an iOS app. As a software engineer, coming to Silicon Valley is like a dream come true to her!

Where: Google Taipei (Meetup at Taipei 101 Corporate Building Lobby at 19:00)

Who: Not limited to Female Participants! All Tech Enthusiasts can attend

How: Just click Attending on Meetup and you are good to go! Entrance is for free!


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• 因為進入 Google 辦公室須有名牌,而名牌需要有各位的完整姓名 (First Name, Last Name),還請各位報名時填寫完整姓名以便 Google 製作名牌。 

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• 有名片的人可以帶來交朋友。

• 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎寄信到 organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org 報名。


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Organizer

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Denny Huang

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