Flutter Meetup #1

天瓏書局 2F, 台北市中正區重慶南路一段105號2樓, 台北市, 100

GDG Taipei

Flutter Meetup #1

Apr 26, 2023, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)

24 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

目前預期 Flutter 小聚為一個月一次,不管你是不是 Flutter 開發者或是想了解 Flutter 技術的朋友,都歡迎來聊天認識朋友吧!

4月小聚時間預期在 4/26,我們將與 Android 讀書會合辦,並邀請 Firebase Team 的 Andrea Wu 分享有關 Firebase Remote Config,接著會由 Yii 與我們分享有關這個月 Flutter 有趣的小知識。

【 Flutter Meetup #1 】

時間:04/26(三) 晚上 19:30 - 21:30

地點:天瓏書局 2F | 100台北市中正區重慶南路一段105號

# 本次場地有入場清潔費100元

主辦單位 :

🧑‍💻GDG Taipei 

🧑‍💻Flutter Formosa

🧑‍💻Android Taipei

【 題目Feature Flagging and Personalization with Remote Config 】

🔖講者:Andrea Wu

講者介紹:Andrea is a Firebase engineer who spends the majority of her time coming up with ideas on how to help developers use Firebase, resulting in a lot of videos, blogposts, code, and talks. As she also greatly cares about diversifying the tech industry, she teaches and mentors students typically underrepresented in tech through Google and for non-profits, and in her free time, she hikes and runs in nature with her camera, meets people from all over the world as she lives nomadically, and writes - all without a phone.

講題內容:When developing a new feature, a feature flag can be used to hide the feature to prevent exposing it to users in the middle of development. After the feature is finished being developed, gradually rolling the feature out to users can help when unforeseen issues occur, and if that does happen, rolling back the feature immediately is necessary. After launching a feature, your users likely aren’t all the same, and delivering a targeted experience is essential to achieve great app engagement. Come learn more about how you can confidently roll out new features with feature flagging and how you can automatically personalize app experiences to best match your user’s needs by using Firebase Remote Config.


【 三、四月份的 Flutter 大小事】


講者介紹:Flutter 愛好者


💡Flutter Formosa 為小型組織,擁有幾位 Flutter 愛好者,每個禮拜定時發表文章,不定時舉辦活動。希望 Flutter 在台灣能越來越好,並鼓勵大家多多貢獻開源專案,也歡迎追蹤官方帳戶,相關平台有 Twitter 跟 Medium。

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlutterFormosa

Medium: https://medium.com/flutter-formosa



Wednesday, April 26, 2023
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM (UTC)


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei / Kaohsiung


  • Kevin Chiu

    GDG Taipei Organizer


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Organizer

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Denny Huang

  • Ruby Lin

    GDG on Campus NCCU

    '24-'25 GDG on Campus Lead

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