Flutter 跨平台應用程式框架系列講座 #4: Flutter Live Recap

GDG Taipei

\-------- Mandarin --------- 本次是 Flutter 技術演講系列的第四場活動!我們有幸邀請到 目前是 GDG Taichung - 台中 Google 技術社群主辦人 Ahdaa Yeh 來跟大家分享 Google 在去年 12 月線上舉辦的 Flutter Live 線上研討會的內容,歡迎大家一起來瞭解,亦歡迎現場來詢問相關問題。活動結束後會開放大家自由討論,會後討論就不限制主題,要討論職場甘苦談或是 Android 技術問題都可以喔! \-------- English -------- Flutter revisited. It’s the 4th episode of Flutter series, brought to you by Ahdaa Yeh, the GDG Taichung Organizer. He will do a re

Mar 6, 2019, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM


Key Themes


About this event

-------- Mandarin ---------

本次是 Flutter 技術演講系列的第四場活動!我們有幸邀請到 目前是 GDG Taichung - 台中 Google 技術社群主辦人 Ahdaa Yeh 來跟大家分享 Google 在去年 12 月線上舉辦的 Flutter Live 線上研討會的內容,歡迎大家一起來瞭解,亦歡迎現場來詢問相關問題。活動結束後會開放大家自由討論,會後討論就不限制主題,要討論職場甘苦談或是 Android 技術問題都可以喔!

-------- English --------
Flutter revisited.

It’s the 4th episode of Flutter series, brought to you by Ahdaa Yeh, the GDG Taichung Organizer. He will do a recap on Flutter Live online conference which Google held on last December. Welcome to join us!


We’ll do / 活動形式
- Introductions / 講者介紹 (5 min)
- Presentation / 技術演講 (58 min)
- Q&A / 現場問答 (15 min)


講者 / Speaker
Ahdaa Yeh

Former GDG Taipei co-organizer, now GDG Taichung Organizer; An Android expert, speaker, tutor and teacher.


注意事項 / Important Notice
* 本活動為中文演講 / This talk will be in Chinese.

* #GDG 是純社群活動 / GDG is an independent community, should not be considered as Google, the corporation.

* 活動免費,但使用者須付可折抵購書價格 100 元的場地費。/ It's a free event, but attendee will pay 100 NTD for event siting expense, which can be used as a 100 discount at TenLong.

* 現場可以飲食,並會提供晚餐餐點 (供 30 份,發完為止) ;但若飲品打翻,將酌收清潔費新台幣伍百元整。 / We will provide dinner for 30 ppls, please be careful with your drinks, cleaning fee (500 NTD) will be charged if a spill or other accident occurs.

* 現場有免費無線網路 / Free WiFi will be provided.

* 請盡量筆電充飽電入場,場地插座有限,蘋果電腦請記得攜帶延長線以免白豆腐癱瘓插座 / There are limited power plugs in the place, please charge your laptop in advance if you need to use it in the meetup.

* 有名片的人可以帶來交朋友,會後會有自由交流時間 / We might have free talk time after the meetup, bring your name card(s) to make friends. ;)

* 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎寄信到 organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org 報名 / If you have any topic(s) want to share with our community, send us your agenda and your available time to organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org.


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Organizer

  • EvA ChU

    Women Techmakers

    WTM Ambassador | GDG Organizer

  • Ted Chien

    ASUSTek Computer Inc.

    GDG Organizer

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • Hank Yu


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Dion Chang

    Autopass Inc.

    GDG Organizer

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