Flutter 跨平台應用程式框架系列講座 #3: Flutter revisited

GDG Taipei

\-------- Mandarin --------- 本次是 Flutter 技術演講系列的第三場活動!我們有幸邀請到 Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov 繼續來跟大家分享 Flutter 的應用,並介紹台灣業界已經在使用 Flutter 的經驗。如果你錯過之前的活動,別擔心!在開始前會先回顧前面兩場的內容、介紹 dart,最後你還會親手完成一個 Flutter app, 請大家要帶筆電來喔! \-------- English -------- Flutter revisited. It’s the 3rd episode of Flutter series, brought to you by Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov. You can recap by following: GDG Flutter meetup #2 https:/

Jan 27, 2019, 2:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

About this event

-------- Mandarin ---------

本次是 Flutter 技術演講系列的第三場活動!我們有幸邀請到 Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov 繼續來跟大家分享 Flutter 的應用,並介紹台灣業界已經在使用 Flutter 的經驗。如果你錯過之前的活動,別擔心!在開始前會先回顧前面兩場的內容、介紹 dart,最後你還會親手完成一個 Flutter app, 請大家要帶筆電來喔!

-------- English --------
Flutter revisited.
It’s the 3rd episode of Flutter series, brought to you by Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov. You can recap by following:

GDG Flutter meetup #2
GDG Flutter meetup #1

There was no consistency in people who attend, so this 3rd meetup will be in a quite different format. To get the newcomer on the same page, there will be a quick review of topics that discussed previously. Then followed by the real talk.


1. A quick overview of flutter [5-10 mins]
*What is flutter
*How flutter works
*Flutter apps
2. About dart [15 mins]
*Why flutter uses dart
*Who is behind dart
*Why dart (and not JavaScript or any other lang)
3. Show demo apps what you can build with flutter [10 mins]
4. Talk about a few companies in Taiwan who already give a try to Flutter [3 mins]
5. You will build flutter app that accesses native API [20 mins]


We’ll do / 活動形式
- Introductions / 講者介紹 (5 min)
- Presentation / 技術演講 (58 min)
- Q&A / 現場問答 (15 min)


講者 / Speaker
Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov

As a developer, Sulatanmyrza loves creating easy to maintain mobile apps with less gap between designers and developers. Share his knowledge with others and inspire women to become developers. Get inspiration from beautiful UI/UX.


注意事項 / Important Notice
* 本活動為英文演講 / This talk will be in English.

* #GDG 是純社群活動 / GDG is an independent community, should not be considered as Google, the corporation.

* 因為有實機體驗活動,為有良好體驗,故場地限制最多 40 人 / Because it's a Codelab, for a better experiment, we would only allow 40 ppls to join this meetup.

* 活動免費,但使用者須付可折抵購書價格 100 元的場地費。/ It's a free event, but attendee will pay 100 NTD for event siting expense, which can be used as a 100 discount at TenLong.

* 現場可以飲食,但未提供食物,您可帶自己的晚餐前來 ;但若飲品打翻,將酌收清潔費新台幣伍百元整。 / No food will be provided, but you can bring your own dinner. Please be careful with your drinks, cleaning fee (500 NTD) will be charged if a spill or other accident occurs.

* 要完全瞭解本次的活動內容,請帶您的筆電前來參加,並請事先安裝 Android Studio 與 Flutter 環境 / To get 100% out of this talk please bring your laptops with Android Studio and Flutter preinstalled.

* Flutter 安裝說明 / Here is the link for installation process:

* 現場有免費無線網路 / Free WiFi will be provided.

* 請盡量筆電充飽電入場,場地插座有限,蘋果電腦請記得攜帶延長線以免白豆腐癱瘓插座 / There are limited power plugs in the place, please charge your laptop in advance if you need to use it in the meetup.

* 有名片的人可以帶來交朋友,會後會有自由交流時間 / We might have free talk time after the meetup, bring your name card(s) to make friends. ;)

* 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎寄信到 organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org 報名 / If you have any topic(s) want to share with our community, send us your agenda and your available time to organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org.


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Organizer

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Denny Huang

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