Flutter 跨平台應用程式框架介紹

GDG Taipei

\-------- English part is after the Chinese part --------- 本次活動是我們一系列 Flutter 技術演講的第一場活動,我們將會介紹 Flutter 這個 Google 剛剛發表 1.0 正式版的跨平台應用程式框架。 在此活動中,我們將會介紹: * 為何 UI/UX 使用者介面設計很重要 * 為何要使用 Flutter 這個新技術 * Flutter 與其他跨平台應用程式框架的不同 * 真實世界的範例說明 我們也會現場實際製作一個精煉短小的 Flutter App 讓大家體驗一下如何使用 Flutter。 UI/UX 設計師也歡迎參加此活動!如果你是設計師而想要用 Flutter 來完成你的精美設計的話,你是不必一定要成為一個會寫程式的工程師的! Flutter 可以讓你很容易且快速地為 Android 與

Dec 19, 2018, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC)


Key Themes

About this event

-------- English part is after the Chinese part ---------

本次活動是我們一系列 Flutter 技術演講的第一場活動,我們將會介紹 Flutter 這個 Google 剛剛發表 1.0 正式版的跨平台應用程式框架。

* 為何 UI/UX 使用者介面設計很重要
* 為何要使用 Flutter 這個新技術
* Flutter 與其他跨平台應用程式框架的不同
* 真實世界的範例說明

我們也會現場實際製作一個精煉短小的 Flutter App 讓大家體驗一下如何使用 Flutter。

UI/UX 設計師也歡迎參加此活動!如果你是設計師而想要用 Flutter 來完成你的精美設計的話,你是不必一定要成為一個會寫程式的工程師的!

Flutter 可以讓你很容易且快速地為 Android 與 iOS 平台建立一致性的 UI 體驗,一起來加入我們的活動吧!

-------- English Part --------
This is our first Flutter meetup of upcoming series.

It will be gentle introduction to Flutter framework.

We will talk about:
* Why UI/UX is important.
* Why consider Flutter.
* Why it is different.
* Real world examples

We will do:
Small Flutter app to see how it feels to work with Flutter.

UI/UX Designers are welcome too. If you are a designer and want to implement your amazing design with Flutter you don’t have to be a hardcore engineer.

Flutter helps you build consistent UI for both iOS and Android in a record time with ease.

So come and join our flutter weekly meetups.

What we’ll do / 活動形式
- Introductions / 講者介紹 (5 min)
- Presentation / 技術演講 (90 min)
- Q&A / 現場問答 (15 min)

講者 / Speaker
Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov

As a developer, Sulatanmyrza loves creating easy to maintain mobile apps with less gap between designers and developers. Share my knowledge with others and inspire women to become developers. Get inspiration from beautiful UI/UX.

注意事項 / Important Notice

* 本活動為英文演講 / This talk will be in English.

* #GDG 是純社群活動 / GDG is an independent community, should not be considered as Google, the corporation.

* 果子咖啡有 150(飲料無限暢飲)和 250(附餐點)的低消,請各位配合至櫃檯簽到和點餐後再入座 / To join this meetup you need to pay for your dinner or drinks, please order and pay for them in the counter when you arrive.

* 現場有免費無線網路 / Free WiFi will be provided.

* 請盡量筆電充飽電入場,場地插座有限,蘋果電腦請記得攜帶延長線以免白豆腐癱瘓插座 / There are limited power plugs in the cafe, please charge your laptop in advance if you need to use it in the meetup.

* 有名片的人可以帶來交朋友,會後會有自由交流時間 / We might have free talk time after the meetup, bring your name card(s) to make friends. ;)

* 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎寄信到 organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org 報名 / If you have any topic(s) want to share with our community, send us your agenda and your available time to organizers @ gdg-taipei DOT org.


  • kevin chiu


    GDG Organizer

  • Fngi Shiu

    GDG Taipei


  • 志剛

    GDG Taipei Organizer

  • Denny Huang

  • Ruby Lin

    GDG on Campus NCCU

    '24-'25 GDG on Campus Lead

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