我們邀請到來自曼谷的 Andrea,她是 Google Firebase team 的成員,這次她會以英語講說來分享 Firebase 中和儲存相關功能,以及 Remote config 可以如何使用在應用程式中。讓我們在農曆過年放假前,來場聚會!
24 RSVP'd
▌行程 / Schedule
- 19:20 報到
- 19:45 議程開始
- 20:45 結束
▌主題簡介 / Sessions
Storing Data: Storage, Firestore, or Realtime Database?
When you’re building out an app, you’ll likely need to store persistent data, and Firebase has a few places where you can do so, notably with Storage, Firestore, and Realtime Database. Come learn about the differences amongst these products and when to use which one!
Automatically personalize app experiences with Remote Config
Your users aren’t all the same, and delivering a targeted experience is essential to achieve great app engagement. With Remote Config, you can automatically personalize app experiences to best match your user’s needs. Join us to learn what goes into an effective Personalization and what types of objectives you can optimize for to serve the best experience for each of your users.
▌備註 / Remark
- 以上議程概各 20 分鐘,以及 10 分鐘的 QA,不過會根據現場狀況,可能調整成議程全部結束後再一起 QA。
- 本次議程請先報名。
▌注意事項 / Important Notice
- GDG 是以交流 Google 相關技術為基礎的純粹社群活動
- 活動禁止錄影
- 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎透過粉絲團私訊小編報名 https://www.facebook.com/GDG.Taichung
- GDG Taichung 的頻道 https://t.me/gdg_taichung
- GDG Taichung 的交流群組 https://t.me/gdg_taichung_group
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM UTC
11:45 AM | Storing Data: Storage, Firestore, or Realtime Database? |
12:15 PM | Automatically personalize app experiences with Remote Config |
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