DevFest'21 Hsinchu & Taichung

GDG Taichung

Google Developer Groups GDG Hsinchu presents DevFest'21 Hsinchu & Taichung | Nov 13, 2021. Find event and ticket information.

Nov 13, 2021, 2:00 – 9:00 AM (UTC)

9 RSVP'd

Key Themes

DevFestDevOpsMachine Learning

About this event

您好,很高興您有興趣參與 2021 年 DevFest'21 的議程!

為響應一年一度的 DevFest 活動,今年將在 11/13 (六) 在新竹舉辦第一屆 DevFest,一場符合在地產業特性的技術活動,歡迎來分享自己所開創的道路! 當然也歡迎分享帶有新竹科技產業風格的非技術議題。


此議程由以下社群共同協辦 / This event is co-hosted by the following communities:

- Google Developer Groups (GDG) Hsinchu

- Google Developer Groups (GDG) Taichung

Google Developer Groups (GDG) Hsinchu 與 GDG Taichung 是由一群喜愛 Google 產品/技術的愛好者所組成。

For the upcoming DevFest‘21, we are pleased to have you as our speaker this year for sharing your work experiences with technical or non-technical ways. On behalf of Google Developer Groups Hainchu/Taichung, we would like to motivate industrial integration in Taiwan Science Park. Welcome to share your thoughts on this special day(11/13) at Hsinchu!



Saturday, November 13, 2021
2:00 AM – 9:00 AM (UTC)


TensorFlow or Machine Learning API and Tools, ADAS, Autonomous driving system By Jiun-In Guo
Quarkus + Kotlin + Arrow KT By Brandy
Lunch Break
大家都在談 Micro-frontend,但他真的有那麼好嗎 By Kevin Yang
在實務上使用 Google Workspace Admin SDK 解決 IT 日常管理事務BD By Toomore
IT 如何參與並加速 IP/IC design 的流程 By Cherie Hsieh
貢獻過的開源專案技術分享 (與 OS 相關) By Ian
以 Kotlin 開發多平台應用 By 范聖佑


  • Jiun-In Guo

    National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


  • Brandy

  • Kevin Yang

    Angular GDE

  • Toomore

  • Cherie Hsieh


  • Ian


  • 范聖佑 Shengyou Fan


    技術傳教士(Developer Advocate)


  • Ahdaa Yeh

    GDG Taichung

    GDG Organizer

  • 佳佳


    WTM Ambassador

  • 正祥

    Google Developer Group Taichung

    GDG Organizer

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