Build with AI 2024 Taichung - Duet AI for Developers 工作坊

Monospace 共同工作空間, 2號 臺灣大道二段, 西區, 403

GDG Taichung

AI with Google Cloud is transforming the landscape of possibility for developers. Duet AI is empowering teams to innovate faster, optimize technology with AI automation, create new experiences with faster data insights, and reduce risk of threat overload. This event is your ticket to master Duet AI for Developers and leave with the practical knowledge to implement it into your everyday work.

Mar 16, 6:00 – 8:30 AM

25 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIBuild with AICloudDuet AIGemini

About this event

Join us for Duet AI for Developers Labs

Google Cloud 的 AI 技術正在為開發者們帶來變革性的突破。Duet AI 藉由強大的 AI 自動化功能,幫助團隊加速創新、優化技術,並以更快的数据洞察力創造嶄新用戶體驗,同時降低各種資安威脅的風險。本次活動將讓您掌握 Duet AI 開發者工具,帶回豐富實戰知識,應用到日常工作當中。

AI with Google Cloud is transforming the landscape of possibility for developers. Duet AI is empowering teams to innovate faster, optimize technology with AI automation, create new experiences with faster data insights, and reduce risk of threat overload. This event is your ticket to master Duet AI for Developers and leave with the practical knowledge to implement it into your everyday work.


  • 了解如何將 Duet AI 無縫整合至您的開發流程。
  • 探索 Duet AI 如何在 Google Cloud 環境中實現程式碼補全、程式碼生成、添加解說註釋,以及協助部署等功能。
  • 參與實作體驗,並與業界技術專家交流互動。


You'll have the opportunity to:

  • Learn how you can seamlessly integrate Duet AI into your development process
  • Discover how Duet AI can be used for code completion, code generation, comments, explanation and deployment in Google Cloud
  • Participate in hand-on labs & network with your technical peers

Important: All attendees should bring their own laptops for the hands-on labs.

🎟 活動資訊:

  • 報到入場:13:30
  • 活動時間:14:00 ~ 16:30
  • 演講語言:中文

🎟 活動內容:

1. 生成式 AI 的軟體開發願景 The Future of Software with Generative AI
了解生成式 AI 如何改變人機互動,以及 Duet AI 如何具體提升企業軟體開發全週期中的生產效率。

Learn how Generative AI is transforming how we interact with technology and how more specifically Duet AI can enhance developer productivity throughout the enterprise software delivery lifecycle.

2. Duet AI 的應用開發實作 Application Development with Duet AI
Duet AI 是 Google Cloud 推出的生成式 AI 協同工具,能協助開發者建構應用、管理員配置基礎架構、分析師預測數據,以及更多豐富功能。本次實作環節中,您將學習
  • 如何在 Cloud Shell Editor 中設定 Duet AI,並部署 "Hello World" Flask 應用程式。
  • 如何部署並理解基於 Python 的 AI/ML 圖像處理流程。
  • 使用 Duet AI 時撰寫提示(prompt)的最佳實踐。

Duet AI is a generative AI-powered collaborator from Google Cloud that helps developers build applications, admins provision infrastructure, analysts analyze data and make predictions, plus much more. During this hands-on session, you will learn:

  • How to set up Duet AI in Cloud Shell Editor and deploy a "Hello World" Flask app
  • How to deploy and understand an AI/ML Image Processing Pipeline in Python
  • Best practices for prompts when using Duet AI

🎟 適合對象:

  • 對 Gemini 有興趣的朋友
  • 對 Duet AI 可以做什麼會好奇的開發者


本活動支持「多元、平等與共融 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)」思維與行動,以確保所有人都可以在活動中得到尊重和公平的對待。鼓勵對不同的文化、背景、性別、性向、宗教等多樣性的尊重、包容與接納。因此請帶著尊重彼此、友善與同理心前來參與。活動過程中請遵守我們的「行為守則」,謝謝您的支持與參與!

▌注意事項 / Important Notice

- GDG 是以交流 Google 相關技術為基礎的純粹社群活動

- 活動禁止錄影

- 如果有想要分享的主題,歡迎透過粉絲團私訊小編報名

- GDG Taichung 的頻道

- GDG Taichung 的交流群組



Saturday, March 16, 2024
6:00 AM – 8:30 AM UTC


  • Edward Chuang

    Google Cloud

    Customer Engineer


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