DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community.
293 RSVP'd
DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by meeting fellow local developers, DevFest attendees learn how to build together and innovate on Google's developer tools.
This year, we will have 3 Web, Machine Learning, and Android tracks. You have to choose one track when you're RSVPing for this event.
This event is NOT free and LIMITED to 400 participants; SORRY, all of ticket is SOLD OUT. You will get the following:
If you already registered, please read this FAQ (link).
More info, please contact Ms Indra Maryati at (WA Only) for available seat.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
2:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC
Registration |
Opening |
Intro to Google Developer Programs by Danang Juffry, Google |
Tech Talk #1 by Radityo Prasetianto Wibowo |
Ice Breaking Games |
Tech Talk #2 by Johanes Glenn, Google |
Lunch & Networking |
Code-Along for Web |
Narasio Data
Co-Founder and Chief Research Officer
Kasubdit Pengelolaan Teknologi Big Data
Wakapuslit KATK (Kecerdasan Artifisial Dan Teknologi Kesehatan)
Senior Software Engineer
GDG Organizer
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Practicum by Yandex
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