#FlutterInProduction Extended Surabaya

Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya (ISTTS), 73-77 Jalan Ngagel Jaya Tengah, Surabaya, 60284

GDG Surabaya

We are hosting an Extended Event in response to the global Flutter event Flutter in Production, which the Flutter team will hold on December 17th. The event will showcase how Flutter has become a robust framework used by developers and companies worldwide to build and ship production-ready apps.

Jan 11, 2:00 – 9:00 AM (UTC)

85 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

We are hosting an extended event in response to the global Flutter event Flutter in Production, which the Flutter team will hold on December 17th. The event will showcase how Flutter has become a robust framework used by developers and companies worldwide to build and ship production-ready apps.

Registration is required, and there is a commitment fee. Please fill in the link: bit.ly/fluttersurabaya


2:00 AMOpen Gate and registration
2:20 AMOpening
2:25 AMGreeting Speech
2:40 AMKeynote Speaker - Esther Irawati Setiawan
3:00 AMSpeaker 1 - Joan Santoso
3:20 AMSpare Time
3:25 AMSpeaker 2 - Joshua De Guzman
4:05 AMIce breaking and transition
4:15 AMSpeaker 3 - Ibnu Sina Wardy
4:55 AMGroup photo
5:05 AMBreak
6:05 AMSpare time
6:20 AMSpeaker 4 - Calvin Harsono
7:00 AMBreak
7:10 AMSpeaker 5 - Erick Pranata
7:55 AMSpeaker 6 - Stanislaus Pratyadhiraksana Nayenggita
8:35 AMClosing
8:45 AMAttendance Exit


  • Esther Irawati Setiawan

    Machine Learning Google Developer Expert, Associate Professor @ ISTTS

  • Erick Pranata

    Yapos ERP

    Software Developer


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Dicoding Indonesia

Suara Surabaya logo

Suara Surabaya


  • Esther Irawati Setiawan

    Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

    GDG Organizer

  • Haidar Zamzam

    GDG Organizer

  • Hansel Santoso


    GDG Organizer

  • Indra Maryati

    Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

    Women Techmakers Ambassador

  • Joan Santoso

    Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

    AI and Machine Learning Surabaya Organizer

  • Miftahul Huda

    Core Team

  • Moch. Chamdani Mustaqim

    Practicum by Yandex

    Core Team

  • Bintang Miftaqul Huda

    DV9 International Singapore

    Core Team

  • Catur Perkasa

    upn "veteran" jawa timur

    Core Team

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