Build With AI Surabaya 2024

Yarra Ballroom, No.3 Jalan Pattimura, Surabaya, 60189

GDG Surabaya

Build with AI events are community-led technical workshops or hackathons hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG). Events aim to help developers learn and apply their skills on GenAI trends and products from Google. Developers from all segments (including Backend, Android & Flutter devs) and all skill levels can benefit. We have a wide range of material and workshop that available in this events.

May 4, 1:00 – 10:30 AM


Key Themes

AIAndroidBuild with AICloudDuet AIGeminiMachine LearningVertex AIWeb

About this event

Build with AI events are community-led technical workshops or hackathons hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG). Events aim to help developers learn and apply their skills on GenAI trends and products from Google. Developers from all segments (including Backend, Android & Flutter devs) and all skill levels can benefit. We have a wide range of material and workshop that available in this events. We only selected 200 developers to attend onsite in this events. All the participant should register to the forms and we will be selected the onsite participant.  The registration forms will be opened at 4 March 2024. For more information please look at our website at



Saturday, May 4, 2024
1:00 AM – 10:30 AM UTC


Audiance Reception
Welcome Speech
Opening and Keynote: Introduction to Gen AI
Codelab 1 - Getting Started with Gemini API using Python
Codelab 2 - Multimedia Use Case using Gemini
Lunch Break
Ice Breaking
On Device AI/ML Powers Android Apps
Codelab 3 - Gemini Use Case in Industry
Coffee Break
Gen AI Product Development
Supercharge your Web with Al
Closing and SWAG Claim


  • Danang Juffry


    Community Manager Indonesia & Brunei, Developer Relations

  • Joan Santoso

    Director of Research and Innovation Center @ Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

    Google Developer Expert - Machine Learning

  • Esther Irawati Setiawan

    Associate Professor @ Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

    Google Developer Expert - Machine Learning

  • Sidiq Permana

    Nusantara Beta Studio

    Founder and CIO

  • Ibnu Sina Wardy


    Google Cloud Developer Expert

  • Rendra Toro

    SVP Industry Solutions @Lintasarta

    Chapter Lead - GDG Bogor

  • Sandhika Galih

    Lecturer / Content Creator @ Web Programming UNPAS (WPU)

    Google Developer Expert - Web Technologies


  • Eka Jayani Ayuningtyas

    Web Developer @ AtmaConnect

    Google Developer Expert - Web Technologies

  • Veronica Putri Anggraini

    Software Engineer - Android @ eW+ (Line Bank)

    Google Developer Expert - Android

  • Jessica Cecilia Budianto

    Software Engineer Web Platform @ Tokopedia

    Google Developer Expert, Web

  • Adam Widi Bagaskarta

    Data Engineer @ OTA

    Google Cloud Developer Expert

  • Andrew Kurniadi

    Co-Founder @

    Google Developer Expert - Android

  • Hadian Rahmat

    GDG Bandung

    Engineering Manager, GITS.ID


iFORTE logo


Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya logo

Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

Suara Surabaya logo

Suara Surabaya

Institut Informatika Indonesia logo

Institut Informatika Indonesia

Asosisasi Pengusaha TIK Nasional logo

Asosisasi Pengusaha TIK Nasional

Pirlo Air Minum logo

Pirlo Air Minum


  • Esther Irawati Setiawan

    Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

    GDG Organizer

  • Haidar Zamzam

    GDG Organizer

  • Hansel Santoso


    GDG Organizer

  • Indra Maryati

    Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

    Women Techmakers Ambassador

  • Joan Santoso

    Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya

    Machine Learning & Tensorflow UserGroup Organizer

  • Miftahul Huda

    Core Team

  • Moch. Chamdani Mustaqim

    Practicum by Yandex

    Core Team

  • Catur Perkasa

    upn "veteran" jawa timur

    Core Team

  • Bintang Miftaqul Huda

    DV9 International Singapore | Telkominfra

    Core Team

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