In this talk I will introduce the concepts of what a multi-model database is, what metadata is in regards to machine learning, and how we combine the two with the ArangoML metadata pipeline. I will showcase the basics of the ArangoDB multi-model database and then we will walk through a live demo of how to drop in ArangoML into the TensorFlow 2 Beginners Guide. We will follow that up with how-to ex
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In this talk I will introduce the concepts of what a multi-model database is, what metadata is in regards to machine learning, and how we combine the two with the ArangoML metadata pipeline. I will showcase the basics of the ArangoDB multi-model database and then we will walk through a live demo of how to drop in ArangoML into the TensorFlow 2 Beginners Guide. We will follow that up with how-to explore the metadata once it is stored in the database.
This talk will go over only the very basics and requires no experience with machine learning or database technologies.
As usual, there will be free food and door prizes.
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