Progressive Web Apps: towards offline-first web sites

GDG Sudbury

Mere hours after the Progressive Web Apps Summit 2016 principles to our own web sites. A PWA "is useful to users from the very first visit in a browser tab, no install required. As the user progressively builds a relationship with the App over time, it becomes more and more powerful. It loads quickly, even on flaky networks, sends relevant push notifications, has an icon on the home screen and lo

Jun 20, 2016, 10:30 PM – Jun 21, 2016, 1:30 AM


Key Themes

About this event

Mere hours after the Progressive Web Apps Summit 2016 begins, we will meet to explore how to apply Progressive Web App (PWA) principles to our own web sites.

A PWA "is useful to users from the very first visit in a browser tab, no install required. As the user progressively builds a relationship with the App over time, it becomes more and more powerful. It loads quickly, even on flaky networks, sends relevant push notifications, has an icon on the home screen and loads as a top-level, full screen experience." (source: Your First Progressive Web App)

If you've created a few web pages and have dabbled in some JavaScript, then we think you'll find this event accessible and eye-opening! We've planned the following for the evening:

6:30 - doors open
7:00 - watch PWA Summit 2016 keynote
7:45 - work through a PWA codelab together
8:30 - your choice: watch another talk from the summit, do one more codelab, discussions, or work on your own
9:00 - wind things down

Note: to complete the codelabs, at the very least you will need to bring:

• a laptop with the Chrome browser (preferably Chrome Beta or Canary) installed

It would save a lot of time if you also have a working Node + NPM environment. Having git installed would be useful as well.


  • Josey Frescura


    Lead GDG Organizer

  • Athif Shaffy

    GDG Organizer

  • Hannan Max (HannanAhmad Shaikh)

    Cambrian College

    GDG Organizer & Mobile Application Developer

  • Divya Khemani

    Cambrian College

    GDG Organizer

  • Shubham Dhamane


  • Karan Tutlani

    Cambrian College

    GDG Organizer

  • Manisha Ranga

    WTM Ambassador

    GDG Organizer

  • Ajmerry Hossain

    Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

    GDG Organizer

  • Raj Patel

    Maestro Digital Mine

    Software Engineer

  • Ertugrul Sahin

    Cambrian College

    Organizer & Mobile Application Developer

  • Karan Patel


  • Tsunami Karki

    Cambrian R&D

    Team Member

  • Muqaddas Rahim

    Team Member

  • Pragati Das


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