WomAndroid Hackathon Powered by Truecaller

GDG Stockholm Android

WomAndroid Hackathon coming up in less than two weeks! Where: Trucaller HQ @ Kungsgatan 15 When: 20-21 October FAST FACTS \- Theme: Sustainability (inspiration from UN 2020 goals) \- Lunch will be served both days (including snacks, coffee, drinks etc. to keep the energy up) \- Kids: Bring them. We will have a nanny present during both days This will be a weekend of coding, inspiration

Oct 20, 2018, 7:30 AM – Oct 21, 2018, 4:00 PM (UTC)

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Key Themes

About this event

WomAndroid Hackathon coming up in less than two weeks!

Where: Trucaller HQ @ Kungsgatan 15
When: 20-21 October

- Theme: Sustainability (inspiration from UN 2020 goals)
- Lunch will be served both days (including snacks, coffee, drinks etc. to keep the energy up)
- Kids: Bring them. We will have a nanny present during both days

This will be a weekend of coding, inspiration and a lot of fun!

Why: The main idea with the Womandroid Hackathon is to empower each other, building a network and share knowledge.

The Hackathon:
The theme of the hackathon is sustainability with inspired by UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. Read more: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

Think of it as MVP (Minimum Viable Product) product development, presenting ideas, and a lot of coding. And then add the opportunity to meet and work with other people and develop your skills.

Do I need to be an Android Expert?
No. You will be assigned a group where your group members have different levels of experience. What’s required is some kind of knowledge in android development and a big will to learn!

Is that all?
Nope. At the end of the hackathon a jury will look at your project, provide feedback and finally appoint winning teams! There will be neat prizes for the top 3!

Themes of lightning talks:

1. “Remote and local control behavior of android application” by Olga Kuzmina – Android Developer at Truecaller who originates from Russia and thinks Stockholm has a perfect mixture of modern technologies and ancient history.

How to develop new features and keep existing ones in scope of CI&CD process? How to change the behavior of application in required situation? How to improve QA experience?

2. “Who needs inheritance anyway? With Kotlin you don’t! Time to say goodbye to most of the base classes!” by Sevil Guler - Senior consultant at Netlight who likes running, basketball and dogs.

It is not surprising that most of us probably end up working on a project where we are dealing with over-inherited classes such as fragments or activities. We will talk about an alternative to inheritance concept called delegation pattern, which Kotlin supports natively and not surprisingly without requiring any boilerplate.

3. “Know your users, let A/B Testing help you.” by Jinyan Liu – Android Developer at Truecaller who loves BodyCombat and does voluntary work for Stockholm international film festival.

Gather early feedback from your users before safely rolling out new features. Let your users help with decision making. We will look at one A/B Testing case in Truecaller and talk about the details.

4. "Introduction to ARCore" by Kristina Simakova
Kristina is a Senior Software Engineer with 8+ years of experience in Android Application Development, backend and Computer Graphics. She has been developing applications for different industries such as Oil and Gas, Maritime and Construction Industry, FinTech and EdTech. She have been specializing in Android, 3D visualization, VR and AR

*Let us know if there is any specific topic you would like to have as a lightning talk. Depending on the demand we can also increase the number of the lightning talks. If you are interested to give a technical or inspirational talk, please contact us.*


  • Bob Dahlberg


  • Daniele Favaro

    EasyPark Group


  • Hend AlQett



  • Peter Törnhult


  • Tobias Zuber



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