Welcome to Umain
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17.30 - Doors open, food and drinks
18.00 - Welcome to Umain (safety guidelines, practical info, brief company overview)
18.15 - Going Kotlin Multiplatform by Jackson Mafra
19.00 - Break
19.15 - Concurrency and Coroutines by Anthony Bassey
20.00 - Wrap up and mingle
Food and drinks are on the house.
Going Kotlin Multiplatform
Jackson Mafra - Android dev @ Umain
Selling multi-million burgers with Kotlin Multiplatform
Concurrency and Coroutines
Anthony Bassey - Android dev @ Umain
The what, the how and the magic.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
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