Time again for a new virtual meetup, this time together with Antler. Do you have an entrepreneurial side? Maybe you've got the best idea in the world but don't know what to do with it! Let's hear how to pitch to investors. We all know about Firebase, but have you heard of one of its competitors, Nhost? Their founder will come and help us grasp their fully managed backend.
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Do you have an entrepreneurial side? Maybe you've got the best idea in the world but don't know what to do with it! Let's hear how to pitch to investors.
We all know about Firebase, but have you heard of one of its competitors, Nhost? Their founder will come and help us grasp their fully managed backend.
When converting an idea into a business a key step of the journey is being able to sell the idea to potential investors. What should one focus on, and how does one explain something very complex in the timespan of just a few minutes? This and more will be covered in Anders Hammarbäcks talk about how to pitch to investors.
Speaker: Anders Hammarbäck - As a Partner at Antler, Anders is experienced in making investment decisions as a part of the investment committee. He has over 15 years of managerial experience from a range of industries, including fintech and IT.
Don't lose time managing and configuring infrastructure. Instead, spend time building your app. Nhost provides a backend with a database (Postgres), Real-time GraphQL API, user, and storage management so you can focus on your app.
Johan Eliasson - Co-founder and CEO at Nhost: a full-fledged serverless backend for Jamstack and client-serverless applications, built to compete with Google Firebase.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
4:30 PM | Welcome |
4:35 PM | How to pitch to investors |
5:00 PM | Nhost - Build modern apps fast |
5:30 PM | TBD |
Co-founder and CEO
Event Coordinator Intern
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