GDG Android Spring Meetup 2019

GDG Stockholm Android

17.30 - 18.00 Doors open, food and drinks served, mingle. 18:00 - 18:45 Creating reactive UI with LiveData by Oskar Höjwall Abstract: Learn how you can incorporate LiveData from Android's Architecture Components into your app to see how easy it can be to ensure your data is always up to date without having to worry about lifecycle management or memory leaks. Bio: Oskar Höjwall is a freelan

Mar 19, 2019, 4:30 – 7:30 PM


Key Themes

About this event

17.30 - 18.00 Doors open, food and drinks served, mingle.
18:00 - 18:45 Creating reactive UI with LiveData by Oskar Höjwall

Learn how you can incorporate LiveData from Android's Architecture Components into your app to see how easy it can be to ensure your data is always up to date without having to worry about lifecycle management or memory leaks.

Oskar Höjwall is a freelancing Android and backend developer working as a consultant at Ramirent. He's passionate about Kotlin and is always tinkering with the latest technologies and loves to share what he finds.

18:50 - 19:50 Kotlin Coroutines on Android: How to say goodbye to threading and callback hell by Sevil Guler

Coroutines is full of possibilities and offers new ways of working with background tasks, resulting in more simple, elegant and clean code. In this event we will talk about coroutines with the focus of understanding how to get rid of threads and callback patterns. Get ready to be amazed with the new world of clean coding that coroutines opens up to everyone.
PS: This talk will be in introduction level.

Sevil is senior consultant at Netlight - Helping companies to provide high-quality mobile services to their users. Her strong competence includes Android development with Kotlin and Java, as well as continuous integration and continuous delivery for mobile.

19:50 - 20:30 Mingle


  • Bob Dahlberg



  • Daniele Favaro

    EasyPark Group


  • Hend AlQett



  • Johan Berg


  • Peter Törnhult


  • Tobias Zuber



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