Welcome to Kivra. Maintainable UI with Jetpack Compose: learnings from custom resource representation and wrapping the material library
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Time for another event, this is just before I/O to make sure we are all warmed up for what's about to be launched.
Food and drinks will be served and it will be lovely burritos with side salad and some snacks.
See you there!
17.30 - Doors open, food and drinks
18.00 - Welcome to Kivra (safety guidelines, practical info, brief company overview)
18.15 - Maintainable UI with Jetpack Compose with Marcin Hanas, Kivra
19.00 - Break
19.15 - Master Android Studio shortcuts
20.00 - Wrap up and mingle
Maintainable UI with Jetpack Compose: learnings from custom resource representation and wrapping the material library
Marcin Hanas - Android dev @ Kivra
We will explore how we can simplify our work with fetching, formatting and passing resources by creating custom classes to represent them in all the layers of the app in a way that provides a clear separation of concerns between UI and business logic.
Additionally, we dive into the benefits of using wrappers around Material library components such as Text, Image, and Scaffold to allow for expansion of their features, easy migration between Material libraries and adapting to their updates.
How you become a master of shortcuts in Android Studio
Christoffer Akers - Android dev @ Kivra
A live session giving you the best tips and tricks on how to level up your Android Studio skills. This will be a live session giving you the basics and my all time favorite functions that saves me time every single day. For the experienced developers, I hope you might find a few golden nuggets you wish you knew already yesterday.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
3:30 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
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