We are going through Jetpack Compose testing fundamentals and a walkthrough of animation APIs.
Let's welcome spring altogether!
17.30 - Doors open, food and drinks
17.45 - Welcome to B3 (safety guidelines and brief company overview)
18.00 - Pragmatic testing in Android
18.45 - Break
19.00 - Jetpack Compose Animations
19.30 - Wrap up and socialising
Food & drinks will be served.
Pragmatic testing in Android | Peter Törnhult
Getting started with testing in Android in 2023 is easier than ever before. We will be covering some fundamentals of thoughts around testing as well as getting into actual examples of how to test your code.
Jetpack Compose Animations | Erik Manberger @ B3 Mobile
Walkthrough of the animation APIs in Jetpack Compose and examples of how they are implemented.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM UTC
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