0 RSVP'd
17.30 - Doors open, food and drinks
18.00 - Welcome to Volvo (safety guidelines, practical info, brief company overview)
18.15 - Make your own charts with Jetpack Compose Custom Layouts & Graphics
18.45 - Fully custom design system using Jetpack Compose
19.15 - Break
19.30 - Decoupling and Cohesion, how to keep a healthy balance
20.00 - Wrap up and mingle
Food and drinks will be served.
Volvo Cars will collect some personal information at the meetup entrance, such as your full name and your job role.
Make your own charts with Jetpack Compose Custom Layouts & Graphics
Gozde Kaval and Neha Garg - Android devs @ Volvo Cars
In this talk, we will explore how to create a bar chart fully written in Jetpack Compose using custom layouts and graphics. Rather than relying on traditional Java libraries, we will leverage the full power of Jetpack Compose to create dynamic and customizable visualizations in our Android apps.
Fully custom design system using Jetpack Compose
Ehsan Mehranvari - Android Dev @ Volvo Cars
The Material design language system and Material components are part of Jetpack Compose. It follows Google Material guidelines and styles out of the box. In most cases, the developers, do not need to care about anything else but putting those components and Material themes together to create a beautiful UI. But what if we want to go a different way and create our own Design Language System instead of Material? Is that even possible? In this talk, we are going to see how it can be done and how we can take it to the next level by adding icons and assets repositories and keeping it as aligned as possible with our organization design guides, Also we will share with you what we have learned during our journey at Volvo Cars.
Decoupling and Cohesion, how to keep a healthy balance
Juan Chiaradia - Staff Engineer in Mobile Cluster @ Volvo Cars
Clean Architecture is increasingly adopted in the industry based on the well-known SOLID principles. In this talk, we will introduce a functional approach to Clean Architecture focusing on the Interface Segregation principle to reach a lousily coupled code based, while keeping it highly cohesive in its implementation.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
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