Build your MVP with Angular 2 + Firebase + Polymer

GDG Space Coast

Firebase was the biggest news of Google I/O in May! Polymer was also a large focus area at I/O. Angular 2 was the big focus of Ng-Conf in May with the big news being the RC1 release! Michael Prentice has been working with these technologies over the last month and is eager to share what he's learned. Abstract: If you need to build a MVP for an idea or startup, then you need to have tools that w

Jun 24, 2016, 10:00 PM – Jun 25, 2016, 12:00 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Firebase was the biggest news of Google I/O in May! Polymer was also a large focus area at I/O. Angular 2 was the big focus of Ng-Conf in May with the big news being the RC1 release!

Michael Prentice has been working with these technologies over the last month and is eager to share what he's learned.


If you need to build a MVP for an idea or startup, then you need to have tools that work right now and ultra-productive. Angular 2 provides a great starting point for this, but you still need to handle Authentication, database, back-end servers, and quality UI components.

AngularFire2 makes the Authentication easy. It provides a real-time, managed database. This means no servers to setup!

Angular2-Polymer gives you easy access to the huge library of standards-based Polymer Web Components. This includes Material Design components, Flexbox Layouts, data grids, and Google components like Google Maps.

This talk will be a dry-run for his presentation at Google Madrid on July 4th.


  • Gilberto Creque

    Codecraft Works

    GDG Organizer

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