Let’s #MajulahGCP! Here is an opportunity for you to self study Google Cloud Platform technologies and more, receive #MajulahGCP swag by completing quests, and get free access to Coursera Google Cloud specializations. Follow the steps below. 1\. Visit (https://goo.gle/MajulahGCP) to get one-month free access to Qwiklabs and complete at least 4 GCP quests. 2\. Claim your #MajulahGCP Swags and c
Let’s #MajulahGCP!
Here is an opportunity for you to self study Google Cloud Platform technologies and more, receive #MajulahGCP swag by completing quests, and get free access to Coursera Google Cloud specializations.
Follow the steps below.
1. Visit (https://goo.gle/MajulahGCP) to get one-month free access to Qwiklabs and complete at least 4 GCP quests.
2. Claim your #MajulahGCP Swags and complete Google Cloud Specialisation on Coursera.
Start Date & Time - 27th March 2020 00:00 am
End Date & Time - 26th April 2020, 11.59 pm
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