Game programming with Firebase and “Real World” native mobile

GDG Silicon Valley

**_Badging and RSVP policy:_ ** _Please help us with badging and sign-up for this Meetup with your first and last name by answering the question during RSVP. That way we can print out the badges ahead of time and speed up the sign-in process. Thanks!_ We would also like to reiterate our RSVP policy: If you are on the waitlist and we think the event venue will be at or close to capacity you will

Dec 8, 2016, 2:00 – 5:00 AM


Key Themes

About this event

Badging and RSVP policy: 

Please help us with badging and sign-up for this Meetup with your first and last name by answering the question during RSVP. That way we can print out the badges ahead of time and speed up the sign-in process.  Thanks! 

We would also like to reiterate our RSVP policy: If you are on the waitlist and we think the event venue will be at or close to capacity you will have to wait until 6:45 before we allow you into the room. If you are RVSPd we will keep your spot available until 15 minutes before the announcements, after that your spot will be given to someone present on the waitlist. If the room is filled at anytime earlier, we will deny entrance.


6:00-7:00pm Networking and light food

6:50-7:00pm Announcements

7:00-7:50pm Game programming with Firebase and Javascript and how I became a better dad - Martin Omander

7:50-8:30pm 50 “Real World” NOT “Hello World” native mobile development!  - Siamak Ashrafi

Abstract/Speaker Bios:

Game programming with Firebase and Javascript and how I became a better dad: The Firebase Database lets you synchronize data between clients in real time, which is perfect for building multi-player games. In this talk I will describe a collaborative web-based sci-fi game I built using Firebase, what I learned along the way and how it made me a better dad.

Martin Omander works for Google in Mountain View, California. His job in the Developer Relations team is to support awesome developer communities, like the Google Developer Groups. On his spare time he manages to sneak in some programming, usually writing HTML5 apps running on top of Firebase. Before Google, Martin worked at string of startups in Silicon Valley as a software engineer.

“Real World” NOT “Hello World” native mobile development!: The current way native mobile development is taught is at best incomplete and at worst completely misinformative. This session will be presenting a more wholistic way of learning or expanding a developer's understanding of building for native mobile Android.  It is “real world” not “hello world”. We begin by showing the absolute beginner the highest quality resources needed to learn (free). Then the session discusses what most mobile developers wish they knew before they started.  The best libraries, tools, tips, tricks and common mistakes to avoid before writing the first line of code.  Then we conclude by reviewing how major companies develop mobile apps internally by exploring their open source projects and current publications regarding the latest advancements in native Android mobile development.

The distinguishing point of this session is it covers how industry builds apps which is different than how most teach it.

Siamak Ashrafi CTO @ ZoeWave building physiologically intelligent clothing (technology patents) and a researcher @ TDI working on medical biomarkers (publications / presentations). His frequent code-a-thon wins have gone on to become published Apps (iOS & Android). As a thought leader in wearable and mobile development, he is an enthusiastic author, teacher and speaker helping promote the ecosystem (fashion & technology).


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