**Badging:** _Please help us with badging and sign-up for this Meetup with your full name by answering the question during RSVP. That way we can print out the badges ahead of time and speed up the sign-in process. Thanks!_ **Schedule:** 6:00-7:00pm Networking and light food 7:00-7:10pm Announcements 7:10-8:10pm Google Cloud Bigtable: what is it for? - Jenny Tong **Title: Google Cloud Bigtabl
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Please help us with badging and sign-up for this Meetup with your full name by answering the question during RSVP. That way we can print out the badges ahead of time and speed up the sign-in process. Thanks!
6:00-7:00pm Networking and light food
7:00-7:10pm Announcements
7:10-8:10pm Google Cloud Bigtable: what is it for? - Jenny Tong
Title: Google Cloud Bigtable: what is it for?
Abstract: Bigtable is a sparsely populated table that can scale to billions of rows and thousands of columns, allowing you to store petabytes of data.
That sounds impressive, but what's Bigtable really great at? When should you use it instead of instead of Cloud SQL or Datastore?
In this talk Jen Tong, a Developer Advocate from Google, will explain why Bigtable is awesome and show you some demos that shows it shining.
BIO: Jenny is a Developer Advocate on Cloud at Google. In this role she helps developers build cool stuff on all sorts of platforms. If she's away from her laptop, she's probably skating around a roller derby track, or hanging from aerial silk.
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