Angular International Women's Day 2020

GDG Silicon Valley

In partnership with GDG, NgConf, Nrwl, Angular, Angular MTV, Angular KC, Modern Web, Angular RTP, & more, we’re excited to announce Angular International Women's Day this Friday May 29th, 2020! This special online event will be a day to celebrate women leadership and engineering. With great talks, community panels, and fresh perspectives - see how women are leading the charge in Angular today! S

May 29, 2020, 1:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

4 RSVP'd

Key Themes


About this event

In partnership with GDG, NgConf, Nrwl, Angular, Angular MTV, Angular KC, Modern Web, Angular RTP, & more, we’re excited to announce Angular International Women's Day this Friday May 29th, 2020!

This special online event will be a day to celebrate women leadership and engineering. With great talks, community panels, and fresh perspectives - see how women are leading the charge in Angular today!


6:00 am - 6:20 am: Keynote & Intro

6:30 am - 7:00 am: Katerina Skroumpelou, "Google Maps in Angular - Isn't’ This Maptastic?"

7:15 am - 7:45 am: Jennifer Wadella, " I Want to Believe: Making Angular Apps More Performant with Scully"

8:00 am - 8:30 am: Deborah Kurata, "RxJS Action and Data Streams: A Love Story"

8:45 am - 9:15 am: Kaitlyn Ekdahl, "A Great Selection! Making the Most of NgRx Selectors"

9:30 am - 10:30 am: Women of Angular - Community Panel

10:45 am - 11:45 am: Leaders of Angular - Panel

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm: Yvonne Allen, Understanding Company Equity in Your Benefits Package

Find out more info, and sign up to get the live-stream link the day before here:


  • Sakshi Gupta

    GDG Organizer

  • Mrunank Pawar


    Team Member

  • Prachi Sethi

    Team Member

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