Room DB, Jetpack, and Careers

GDG Silicon Slopes

This time we will be having a few shorter presentations: Michael Stringham will present on “An Intro to the Room Persistence Library” Daniel George will present on “Navigation using Android Jetpack Architecture Components” John Mulholland will present on “5 Things to Consider to Grow Your Career” Food arrives ~ 5:30pm; presentations, etc. start at 6:00pm

Oct 12, 2018, 12:00 – 2:00 AM (UTC)


Key Themes

About this event

This time we will be having a few shorter presentations:

Michael Stringham will present on “An Intro to the Room Persistence Library”

Daniel George will present on “Navigation using Android Jetpack Architecture Components”

John Mulholland will present on “5 Things to Consider to Grow Your Career”

Food arrives ~ 5:30pm; presentations, etc. start at 6:00pm


  • Michael Stringham


    GDG Organizer

  • Mitchell Giles


    GDG Organizer

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