Google I/O Extended Semarang 2023

Ruang Aula E3 (TVKU) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang, Jl. Nakula 1 No. 5-11, Pedrikan, Semarang Utara, Kota Semarang, 50141

GDG Semarang

We're very excited to host Google I/O Extended Semarang 2023 in-person, bringing tech enthusiasts and developers together with sessions on various topics. Google I/O Extended is an annual event held by all GDGs worldwide, so make sure you don't miss it!

Aug 12, 2023, 1:30 – 6:30 AM

351 RSVP'd

Key Themes

AIAndroidGoogle I/O ExtendedWeb

About this event

Google I/O Extended is the community led counterpart to Google I/O, our annual Google led conference where the world hears about Google’s latest developer solutions, products, and technology. Google I/O Extended is a series of community led tech meetups, that bring the knowledge and excitement of Google I/O to developers on a city level, all around the globe from May through August annually. In this year GDG Semarang will bring the several topic in this event AI, Machine Learning, Web, and Android.


Open Registration
Welcoming Notes & I/O Connect Experience Sharing
Google I/O Recap 2023
Participants Networking
Conference 1: Build for Multi-Device Experiences
QnA Session
Conference 2: Tweet Image Maker: Building a multimodal recommender system to recommend engaging images/hashtags for tweets
QnA Session
Ice breaking + Snack time
Conference 3: Web Performance
QnA Session
Closing, Giveaway Announcement, and Photo Session + Networking Lunch!


  • Arifatul Khasanah

    WTM Ambassador

  • Danang Jufri


    Community Manager Google, Indonesia

  • Andrew Kurniadi

    Co-Founder @

    Google Developer Expert - Android

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Esther Irawati Setiawan S.Kom, M.Kom

    Machine Learning Google Developer Expert, Associate Professor @ ISTTS

  • Ivan Kristianto

    Sr. Engineer @ Human Made

    Google Developer Expert - Web Technologies


  • Deny Ervan

    GDG Manager

  • Arifatul Khasanah

    WTM Ambasador

  • Afinzaki Amiral

    GDG Co-Organizer

  • Muhammad Abdur Rofi Maulidin



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