Google I/O 2018 Extended Semarang - Recap

GDG Semarang

Only register in this form: Google I/O is an annual developer-focused conference held by Google in San Francisco, California. Google I/O features highly technical, in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies. In Google I/O Ex

Jul 28, 2018, 6:00 – 10:00 AM (UTC)

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About this event

Only register in this form:

Google I/O is an annual developer-focused conference held by Google in San Francisco, California. Google I/O features highly technical, in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies.

In Google I/O Extended 2018 Recap Semarang, we will have discussions from all range of topics; such as Flutter, Android Jetpack, Material Theming, and Machine Learning from the experts in the field.

Here, we invite you to connect with other developers at Google I/O Extended 2018 - Recap events across Indonesia.

What to expect from Google I/O Extended?
- Exclusive talk-show with experts
- Play the games and win Google swags

Saturday, 28 July 2018
12.30 PM - 16.00 PM (1 PM event starts)

Auditorium, Gedung H, Lantai 7, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 207, Semarang

Here are our awesome speakers:
1. Andrew Kurniadi (Google Developer Expert, Android)
2. Dennis Alund (Google Developer Expert, Firebase)
3. Patrick Nugros (GDG Semarang)
4. Zulwiyoza Putra (Software Engineer, Bataphia)
5. Ahmad Arif Faizin (Android Developer)
6. Veronica (Developer Student Club)
and many more

After you register in that form, we will send you a confirmation email prior to your attendance via [masked]. We cannot guarantee your slot unless you get a confirmation email.

Thanks and see you!

Detail info about Google I/O 2018:
I/O Extended 2018:


  • Deny Ervan

    GDG Manager

  • Arifatul Khasanah

    WTM Ambasador

  • Afinzaki Amiral

    GDG Co-Organizer

  • Muhammad Abdur Rofi Maulidin



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