Connecting with Food (Deep learning and AI) | ChromePad - Chromium OS ThinkPads

GDG San Francisco

• What we'll do Agenda : 6:00pm - 7:00pm Check-in and networking over food and drinks Evening Question: What is your goal for 2018? 7:00pm: Talks ChromePad - Chromium OS for ThinkPads Connecting with Food (Deep learning and AI) Talk: Connecting with Food (Deep learning and AI) Description: The advancement of Deep learning and AI have explored almost every domain from self-driving ca

Jan 11, 2018, 2:00 – 5:00 AM (UTC)

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Key Themes

About this event

• What we'll do
Agenda :
6:00pm - 7:00pm Check-in and networking over food and drinks
Evening Question: What is your goal for 2018?
7:00pm: Talks
ChromePad - Chromium OS for ThinkPads
Connecting with Food (Deep learning and AI)

Talk: Connecting with Food (Deep learning and AI)
Description: The advancement of Deep learning and AI have explored almost every domain from self-driving cars to smart pet feeders. Its proven to have better performance in spheres which deal with a lot of human interaction, and the cooking of food is one such domain. In this talk, I shall explore the various elements that come in play when food is cooked. Zooming out from molecular level changes that take place due to the application of heat, to various sensor information that we observe, the complex process of cooking food is broken down. What remains to be answered is whether this can be achieved by a connected system. Can an intelligent system learn to cook food? Talk: ChromePad - Chromium OS for ThinkPads

Description: Step-by-step on how to build Chromium OS from source, make a USB installer, and then install Chromium OS on a ThinkPad (hard drive installation). After installing Chrome OS on a ThinkPad we can walk through how to install Debian in a crouton(Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment), and configure for Android development. The end result is essentially a slightly more capable/slightly less secure Chromebook that costs next to nothing, and is IMO extremely cool. There are all sorts of features supported by Chromium OS that can be enabled, like the cellular modem, bluetooth and fingerprint reader.

About the Speakers:

Ronica Jethwa is a Machine Intelligence engineer at June, where she develops deep learning models for June’s hardware products. Her background is focused in object detection, image rendering and image classification, and at June she leverages deep learning to address problems in semantic segmentation, image and signal processing, and developing autoencoders in food technology. Ronica earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering in Bangalore, India, followed by a Master’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northeastern University. During her studies, she also completed an internship with ON Semiconductor, where she developed an app on Google’s Project Tango to capture and analyze metadata for device pose reconstruction and visual odometry in computer vision applications. Ronica’s other interests and projects include an intoxicated driver detection system for automobile applications that combined Markov models and deep learning models, as well as a system for cat face detection for a smart pet feeder. Andrew Wright
I'm an Android developer who's passionate about open source. I'm interested in making open source Android apps, and ultimately in making open source software more accessible to more people.

• Important to know
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• Closest Public Transit Stops:
MUNI: K/TN at Folsom & The Embarcadero
BART: Embarcadero Stop
CALTRAIN: San Francisco @ 4th & King St


  • Riya Dashoriya


    GDG Organizer




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    Platform engineer

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