Hang out with your GDG peeps! Join us for our new virtual GDG Greater Los Angeles Community Lunch. We'll eat lunch, network, and socialize. Bring your technical problems or help out someone that needs help. Topics include Flutter, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform and more Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/415216406?pwd=RXhaS3RZdEloMVhDWHpHTWZRcmkvQT09 Meeting ID: 415 216 406 Password: 9928
5 RSVP'd
Hang out with your GDG peeps!
Join us for our new virtual GDG Greater Los Angeles Community Lunch. We'll eat lunch, network, and socialize. Bring your technical problems or help out someone that needs help. Topics include Flutter, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform and more
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 415 216 406
Password: 992894
MK Partners
GDG Organizer
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MK Partners, Inc.
Chief Innovation Officer