#IWD23 | International Women's Day 2023 - WTM Salzburg

hotelkit GmbH, Altes Mühlhaus, Anfahrt über Guggenmoosstraße, Marie-Andeßner-Platz 1, Salzburg, 5020

GDG Salzburg

#IWD23 | International Women's Day 2023 - WTM Salzburg

Apr 6, 2023, 3:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)

0 RSVP'd

Key Themes

International Women's Day

About this event


What is the International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day (IWD) occurs on March 8th every year. It marks a moment to celebrate and provide visibility for the incredible contributions of women around the world and is a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

What are we going to do and what's the Theme of #IWD23?

In honor of International Women’s Day, on March 8, the Women Techmakers Salzburg Community will host a IWD Salzburg Meet-up. The event will bring together thriving women in tech and allies for an evening of keynote speakers, inspirational talks, and technical content.

We invite you to join us on 6th April 2023 to hear about AI, Tech career Stories and Web technologies.

Our IWD theme for 2023 is "Dare to be" - #WTMDareToBe

Dare to be means:

We bravely set out to accomplish our goals

We don’t let others dictate what we can or cannot be

We are unapologetically ourselves

We have the courage to stand up for what we believe

We recognize everyone has something unique to contribute

…and ANYTHING you want it to be!

The definition of to dare is to have the courage to try something new; to defy or challenge norms; to be brave and willing take risks. For IWD 2023, Women Techmakers Ambassadors will be hosting events around the world with the theme “Dare To Be,” empowering our community to have courage, to dream big and to be bold. #WTMDareToBe


17:00: Get together

17:30: Bianca Glasner - Head of Engineering @Findologic: Welcome Keynote

18:00: Hotelkit: Lightning Talk

18:15: Mori Khadem - Technical Account Manager @Google: Dare to step into the unknown: How to disambiguate and lead

Have you ever wanted to take on a new project but were afraid you don’t have enough technical knowledge? Did you ever feel inadequate in a room full of experts with deep technical knowledge? Chances are, you are not the only one. In this talk, you will get a glimpse into my personal experience of lateral leadership in highly complex and technical environments. Working in traditional corporations, startups and tech giants like Google empowered me to find patterns across to simplify seemingly complex problems and gain confidence to jump on new opportunities.

18:45: Juan Herrera - Google Developer Expert (Angular): Improvised live coding with Angular:

Have you ever been to an improv show before? If the answer is no, you should probably join us! We will create an Angular App from scratch by collecting input from the audience. Everything is coded on the spot. You will learn the best tips for creating an Angular App real fast, all while having a lot of fun!

19:15: Break

19:30: Duygu Altinok: Call me sexist but...:

This session includes a half technical, half conversational talk. Every day in our lives, us women , have to face sexist comments. None of us is indeed enthusiastic about listening to any of those comments, moreover when we object to these sort of comments usually we get the answer "but it's so because ...(some random and nonsense prejudges of the comment owner)". Therefore, in this session we'll review the language understanding part of misogyny, namely we'll dissect a misogynistic comments dataset. We'll dive into details of sentence structures and semantics related to misogyny, we'll collect phrases, verbs together with related nouns and adjectives. All in all, we'll get to know the prejudges against ourselves in a structured way:) We'll be using "Call me sexist" dataset https://search.gesis.org/research_data/SDN-10.7802-2251?doi=10.7802/2251.

20:00: Networking, food and drinks

Get prepared for an evening full of talks, workshops, sessions, panel discussions etc. to celebrate the International Women's Day together!


We are very happy we could partner-up with hotelkit GmbH for this event. Who are going to sponsor their amazing location @altes Mühlhaus by hotelkit GmbH where we have the opportunity to use their amazing social area for our meet-up. See more about the location and hotelkit as a company under the following links,

Altes Mühlhaus



hotelkit GmbH: Altes Mühlhaus, Anfahrt über Guggenmoosstraße, Marie-Andeßner-Platz 1, 5020 Salzburg

Arrival through Guggenmoosstraße. Please note that there are limited parking lots in the area. Optionally you can either park at the Christian-Doppler-Klinik or the grarage of the SALK, for both charges may apply.


  • Bianca Glasner


    Head of Engineering


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  • Bianca Glasner


    GDG Organizer & WTM Ambassador

  • Vicky Pirker

    Vicky Pirker UX Consulting

    Co-Organizer & WTM Ambassador

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